
1934 CX Airflow. Sigh. Autocorrect strikes again.

UAZ-469 door bottoms look interchangeable.

All I could find was 1934 Chrysler CD Airflow that used front doors off another car.

Towing? 7000 lbs. Width 71.5 in. Seats four comfortably.

Somewhere in Chagrin Falls, a person sighs, shakes his head, and goes back to painting. Watterson has not chased hard after the other stickers, he probably won’t chase you. At least it is a one off, and not commercial sales off someone else’s intellectual property.

Meh, owned by Unilever. Not going to see Bovril flavored in your lifetime.

Hey, I have given up on all natural homemade Mac and cheese and use achote powder and turmeric to get my kids to love the neon orange goodness. (Now gluten free and low lactose, so I can eat a small bit of it too).

Scissors. In asia, scissors are used for everything.

Now that is a hot dog a sandwich has run down a bit, you need a new question.

Does it vend Wagu beef? Gotta keep up with Japan on vending machines.

The ones that have to. I have not eaten at McD in years, cause I don’t want a salad when everyone else is eating a burger. (I have celiac, and have intolerance to soy and latose.) Not a big loss for me.

They may have a blue shipping film over the headlights. It seemed like it had a film on the headlights when I watched the unboxing video.


Pope Motor Car. Maybe the Waverley.

Nah, just have to use the Donut Drive. Travel minimum of three states away, leave the Donut Box on the porch, snap a pic, and post to social media and recipients when you are at least 10 miles away.

My wife found this out two weeks ago when ordering a second one so both kids could play different games at the same time this summer. I think she found one at the regular price, but until it shows up.... I am not holding my breath.

For the love of... Please, I don’t need recipes clogging my inbox. I have a food allergy and two intolerance issues. I don’t need well meaning clueless coworkers, friends and family sending me recipes I can’t make, and can’t substitute to work. 

You don’t need to be terrified of nuclear power to think commercial boats with it are a bad idea. You just need to be paranoid. Military boats are well protected. A commercial one would be a terrorist target for making a statement, and a clean up disaster, besides any actual damage inflicted.

Taxes come in all forms, and all different reasons. It may be easier to raise a fuel tax, bottle deposit, congestion charge, liquor tax based on public opinion. Whether the revenue is going to the appropriate use, and form of the tax is appropriate is a case by case basis.

Just proves that congestion charges, deposit bottle taxes and others are a tax first, and and other public good attached is just coverage to get a tax passed. That a particular tax has any other public good properties is just a happy accident, exploited by those that pass the tax.