
I am breathless with anticipation! Can they time the race so Elon’s car is within visual range when the race is run? Kind of like a jet flyby at the beginning of a game?

I think you have it backwards. Cereal is candy masquerading as breakfast food. Just check the percentage of calories coming from sugar/corn syrup. Not that I have eaten cereal in years with my food allergies.... 

I think we can meet the $3 price point, but he would need to make some concessions.

Anything really spicy. The rest of the family just isn’t into it. I love a good jambalaya, catfish courtbouillon, curry, or a chili with fifteen types of pepper including scotch bonnet or habanero. Of course, spicy food doesn’t like me back much anymore.

You need to skip to the good part, and think about the hydraulics.

I really have not been doing too much bread lately. We are both lucky enough to be working from home, and with the kids on top, there has not been much free time. I did do breadsticks for spaghetti and meatballs on the weekend, but that is about it. Maybe I should do some popovers this week. They are pretty good with

The dealers are not giving up margin in the short term on list sales. They are waiting for the car companies to sweeten deals to get people in, and playing wait and see on having to cut the dealers margin to move cars. As long as they can weather a few slow months, the incentive will be to maximize margin, not sales.

Would it be ironic if the previous record holders were served with search warrants in an attempt to ascertain what laws were broken by whom recently? 

Dole whip. Gotta check if we still have some from last summer, and a pinapple. Works great in those ice cream makers. Oh and gluten and soy free, unlike the churros. 

Beats a reply all at work to ten thousand email addresses. Yep. Basically trashed the inbox until IT kills the thread. Oh well, don’t work there any more.

White superbird. If it had a vinyl top, it was long gone and repainted. You could hear it coming, probably had glass packs for mufflers.

I am betting the sun comes up tomorrow. It's a trick I learned a long time ago from George Carlin. 

Well, try another agent. If any deal goes through the agent, do they really want to cut their income? A new agent would be happy to figure it out for your new business. 

Well, your current insurance company / agent may not want to give you a deal.... So shop around.

Please tell me that a review of it quirks and features is scheduled. 

Simple, just put your smart speakers on a smart plug. You need it off? Tell the smart speaker to turn off the smart plug (and the speaker). When done, walk to another room, and tell the next smart speaker to turn the smart plug on.

Interesting. Sent link to my favorite FCS teacher. (Family Consumer Science, aka Home Ec)

I just had an update from a company that specializes in allergen free foods that had a Spring Stock Up sale, and the sale is suspended due to the overwhelming volume of orders. The company is in stores, but they also do have a  in online presence, as you can order everything online, but the local grocery only stocks a

When it comes to taking over autopilot, or anything near autonomous control, any software will have to be vetted by the gubberment, or will get shut down, regardless of patent infringement claims by Tesla. Health and safety.

Will it do a burnout? For science.