
Well, there is only one butter for me right now... ghee. Supposedly no lactose, tried some this weekend in recipes, and didn’t die. I would like the lactose free butter from Green Valley, but I fear that may not come back. So in my spare time this week, I may try some baking recipes with ghee subbing for butter, with

Needs rating system, number of breakdown free miles minus the horsepower rating times the number of passengers the car can (theoretically) carry. Bonus points for low volume cars, and max bonus for one of one. Maybe some other categories, like deathtrap/ not a deathtrap.

Now playing

I was going to respond to the troll with this song, but I will leave it here.....

I managed a pizza place back in the day for about six months. (Rhymes with... ....minos) Basically, I was responsible for the food cost, the supervisor said free food for me, and crew pies as long as the food cost didn’t spike. That said, we didn’t do a lot of free food for the crew, no one wanted to eat pizza on the

If you don’t have the allergy, and plunk down the money for the tester and the capsules to be a “Karen”? Please. I just don’t see someone spending the money, when complaining is free.

While you can have a plate with the allergen, and miss testing it, I have not run into the issue in over a year using the gluten tester. If you take a bit of the bread, or other food you are testing and wipe it across the sauce and other ingredients, it has been good enough in everyday situations. I have a gluten

$5 vs. an ER visit for severe peanut allergies, or a host of low grade symptoms from gluten (or making the bathroom your friend for four hours, or trying to keep from scratching an allergy rash).

Nah, the straw man is the one driving the truck. Scarecrow to keep the thieves away.

Nah, you need someone to watch the trucks to prevent wide scale theft. 115 miles unattended? New gone in 60 series, the freight edition.

Almost. Too much salt, most likely. Now a cucumber sandwich... Would have to have a thin skin. both can be low carb, gluten free. 

Yeah. I went to vacation in the area (Cass Scenic Railroad), and took my drone with me after checking the airspace using a free map that lists no fly radiuses for airports and the like. No issues, great. Get there, realize I am a mountain ridge away from Green Mountain Observatory. Never even turned the quad on. Yeah,

Just add avocado? Should thicken it right up.

Smaltz (rendered chicken fat). Wonderful in so many dishes. Sounds good, but I never have enough for all the dishes I want to make.

Would putting blank covers on the outlets with security screws send the correct message? The shop would have to get a cordless vacuum. Leave the wifi, see if that helps.

Have you checked if it will fit in a Miata? With some “persuasion.” Asking for a friend....

One exception. If your place is right around the corner from the pizza place, and it is a pain to hit on the way back... You are getting a hot pizza. However, if you could deliver on the way back.... Regular no tip, your last delivery.

Real tip is grow your own sweet corn, and when ready to harvest, put the pot of water on to boil first. Next, pick and shuck the corn and immediately toss into the water. Turn the heat off and put the lid on for the desired amount of time. Sweetest corn you will ever taste.

Well, I was handed a bag of corn to shuck at my mother’s this weekend, as I stood on the carpet... The kitchen tile was occupied and the heat outside required oven proof clothes to sit on patio furniture, so I ended up in the foyer, shucking over tile. Thought it might be relevant. So kids, don’t shuck corn on your

Take the tassels at the end and separate into two separate halves. Take ends and as much loose husk in each hand, and pull until the husk is open to the base. Twist or crack off base, and spin ear of corn on one hand to remove errant silks. Place shucked corn on clean plate, tray, etc, and tackle the next one. And