
Rule 1. Bring a gluten tester. Stuff happens. Even at your favorite place to get gluten free meals. I prefer to always have a back up in case the establishment can't meet my needs, and just make a doggy bag, or give the food away to the rest of the table.

Dietary restrictions? At a BBQ place? Good luck. If anything has a cross contamination risk on the BBQ grill items, the BBQ food will be cross contaminated (gluten doesn’t get burned off the grill, and many places don’t scrub the grills down, or keep foods separated). That said, you can find places that don’t put the

Buy it by the case, and put the jar in a holster to take with you. For my family, my wife will occasionally use the adobo sauces, but I am the one who uses them the most, so a jar lasts a couple of weeks. (Great on pupasas)

I like that most of his salsa and sauces (maybe all) are gluten free, soy free, and lactose free. With manufacturers throwing in shortcuts in everything, his are not messed around with. You want to up your flavor game on Mexican dishes, grab the Adobo sauces and have at it.

Flip the script, and have Tom with a totally nutty one off orphan car ( bonus points if a copy is in the Lane Museum) and the rest with reasonable takes.... I have yet to see someone recommend a Reliant Robin, or a steam car.

Just waiting for my dessert to come to the table using a food printer at a high end restaurant... ... And have an ad on the geometric chocolate design for dessert. Mmm. Want ad free? That will be an additional twenty dollar charge.

I have a different problem. I have the recipes for things, but I have food allergies found a few years ago. So, I either know the substitutions in the recipe by heart, or I use an online version. My wife still cracks open the recipe book, but they are all stuff I can no longer eat, and she does all the flour mixing out

Too expensive just to troll in real life, just get a snarky bumper sticker instead.

The next generation will be driving the Marauder.

How about not with the regular meat? They have some of the big allergens in the alt-meat recipes, and I don’t want cross contamination. You like the fake meat, fine by me. But don’t start stacking it with the ground beef.

Someone get this invention to Tracy Morgan stat!

Nope, sell it and be done with it. If the buyer has the money at the price you want to part with it, that is fine. That said, I have driven the last three cars into the ground and donated them to charity. 

Water bananas oranges and potato chips in the cabin. The rest of the food is in the cooler in the back, since I carry backup meals due to my food allergies.

Both our (not new) cars have key ignition systems. If the next one doesn’t, I wouldn’t mourn it like the lack of manuals. If it bothers you that much, get a Command hook (removable) from the store and put a key fob hook in a handy place in the car. Problem solved.

Just needs a waiting martini and getting out of the car in a bespoke suit. Moneypenny, please write the check now.

You want one wheel? I would take one piece, after a really bad curb rash, or pothole special cracks the spokes out like a walnut. Nice wheels, but you couldn’t drive it around Detroit, or any other pothole prone city without living in some fear a pothole would eat a wheel.

Meh. I have had a few inspectors when I managed two different pizza place locations....was it over twenty years ago? They always find something, but I never was fined. It may seem like an adversarial relationship, but really, you want a food safe environment and happy customers. Check your food / refer temps, sanitize

Looks like a half painted Blastoline Special. Randy Grubb would be proud... or confused.

I have seen one in Columbus, at COSI, the STEM museum. Looked like a self driving job, but had a bored person sitting in the driver seat.

The summer car show promoters have been ringing NHS phone lines off the hook.