
Only if you narrate. I have heard your voice on enough videos that I can hear it when reading your articles. Smoothest voice out there? No. But you never can hide your excitement in your voice over the next strange weird thing.

So a bagel, a hash brown and a ramen bun walk into a bar....

Downside is buying fancy condiment for fussy dish you made once, and finding the expired unopened jar three years later in the cupboard.

Was? She still probably has a house in Columbus.


Was this engine used in a spec race series? At 100 sold, I don't see the business case for FCA. Marketing? Sure. More buzz for the brand. 

Mocking pizza? Thin skin, let me know when people make fun of your river catching fire. You like the pizza? Fine. You don’t? Don’t eat it. There, now go outside and play.

Sigh. Makes me yearn for lactose free butter. I had a source, but they stopped making it, due to the popularity of their lactose free sour cream, cream cheese and yogurt. Just not enough organic raised cows to make butter too. Until then, schmaltz and bacon fat for flavor, and a fistfull of lactase pills when eating

Wheat. Had stomach issues on and off since college, various other maladies not properly diagnosed. Started getting more frequent and severe, many trips to the doctor.... Turns out it was celiac disease, intolerance to gluten. I can’t touch the stuff, and I am sensitive to parts per million for my symptoms. Fun day

Um. Causality may still be in question. It is a nice data point, but the itching can be caused by the allergen. If scratching makes the allergic reactions in the gut worse... that is interesting. 

Manually operated brake switch? Um, that is a fine if you are caught. Basically a version of the set up for a moonshine running car, where they could cut off the brake lights to evade the law.

Beth, do you mean the Nima? I have one of those. And 20 ppm may mean gluten free, but I am still sensitive down to 5 ppm. A more sensitive tester is better for me, but I probably am an outlier. Rule of thumb, go into the restaurant with no expectations, and have a back up meal or snack planned. A separate prep area is

Bacon is not the next health food and tastes delicious. Moving on....

Are they going to protect Hawaii greatest cultural food, Spam? 

Nah, Weathertech will scan the floor, and pump out plastic goodness that will let you can hose out the car. This ain't a Rolls Royce, with sheepskin floormats.

Don't do dinner, do brunch. Earlier in the day, more energy, less aches and pains. Brunch has a wide set of choices, depending on mood. 

Why stop at honey beer?

There are probably several sources for eating at Disney with dietary restrictions, I probably looked at over six. The big surprise for me? No issues at the buffets for gluten free if you stick to the allergen guide. Biggest surprise? All my gluten positive foods were grilled. You might think a grill would burn off all

Disney really does try to accommodate on the food front. They know that the person with food allergies, or special diet is the one dictating where the family goes and where they eat. Are the perfect? No, I had three meals that were not gluten free according to a gluten tester in a week. Only one place didn’t have a

My doctor (and my blood tests) say no to salt.😥 However, I can still use potassium.  But it's just not the same.....