
Let me guess, you were opening your bill for blinker fluid at the time you read this, and the combined strain was too much. I don't even want to know how much the price is for Belgium blinker fluid. 

Is it just me, or does it sound like an April Fool's joke? With the group's acronym MISED? What else was MISED in the story?

Torchy, you need to start your lists, strangest car for Europe, weirdest car that starts with the letter L, car you would love to force Doug Demuro to drive, car least prepared for snow and rain..... 

Have not had one in a while, my wife does not care for chicken salad, tuna salad or egg salad.

New and Improved! (Smaller size box, same price)


On the other hand, shopping after a bender will give you something to talk about at the water cooler. Hey, I ordered an inflatable raft, chopsticks with animal shapes and a bag of driveway salt, but I live in Florida, and I was saving for a couch. Guess the raft will have to do for now.... Extra chunky salt margarita

Clean oven. Beats replacing the electric hearing element. At least I could get the part from Sears without a house call back into the 90's. Twenty bucks sure beat a hundred and twenty dollar charge for someone to come and fix it. I have no idea where to get something like that now, but I imagine a few minutes rooting

Let’s keep it simple. Did you ask for the files burned to DVD, BLUERAY, or downloadable zip file? Captcha may be a bummer, but if the courts keep bulk download available upon request, at least there may be options. And yes, the court IT dept. probably did implement it because of your story, and they will never tell

Cook whatever you are using as your ring first, then crack the egg into the hole on low heat. (Slice of bread, thick slice of ham, mortadella, Portobello mushroom, cheese crisp, twice fried potato ring, fried rice ring, onion ring, bagel). If you are not sure when to add the egg, cook the item on a timer all the way

Wrong stuffing for a squash. It needs sausage. Try the rings with just about any kind of sausage stuffing, and it will be delicious. 

Maybe I will try making some more good bread recipes. Unfortunately, I have some challenges. Gluten free, soy free, and low or no lactose. Sigh. Some of it is technique, and some is finding recipes that don’t suck. I do have a decent quick bread recipe for breadstick or knishes. It doesn’t loaf that well. I know I can

While you may get smaller flavors shipped from one brewery to another, the load was probably going to a distribution center, not a production center. (Why would you ship smaller flavors to another production center? Minimum run may be a higher day supply than the company wants to keep on hand, or may incur loss due to

You need the Hellcat as a family car that can tow the Demon on a trailer to the racetrack. 

51% cheese guarantee. Mmm. If I have to swallow a fist full of lactase pills to keep a pleasant disposition, I will eat the real cheese, thank you. (And plenty of real cheeses are low in lactose too). Granted, my kids will eat anything flying past their plate with gooey 51% cheese...

Sure. Have a nice day.

Who is cast as the friend? 

Hugs really mean something in your family. Kudos for permanently writing yourself out after, but the ones that miss that you are commenting on the drama, are the ones that need the lesson.

I pity the fool.

People don’t readily change tipping behaviors. The good tipper will tip when the service is lousy, and the bad tipper will short the tip on Russian style service done to the nines. Say your piece to your friend, and figure out if it really matters to you. Oh, and sometimes the lousy tippers are the ones trying to keep