
(Glances at shelf of schmaltz in fridge) I have a hobby. I just use the schmaltz for kasha and knishes. Have not felt the need to deep fry chicken, I either bake or pan fry (no extra grease). Definitely a sometimes food, not an every day serving of chicken fat.

Meh. Let me know when they stop using soy. I can't eat much of anything there, between gluten and soy allergies. 

How to take Mom’s Mystery Meatloaf to the next level!

Gluten-free wafers have been available at my church for six years or more. Cross-contamination for those who are extra sensitive can be a problem if those presenting are handling both. Or if you have the gluten-free missing for a service, and you decide to eat the regular one anyway, instead of being awkward and

If you don’t want to haul up a half dozen bottles up to the kitchen sink to potentially dump, get a wine thief. I have seen two versions, one removes (and can replace) the cork whole and the other uses a large syringe to pull wine through the cork. Still will have to haul the bad bottles upstairs to dispose...

What ever happened to you are an adult, handle the situation when it happens? 

You can get lactose free cream cheese and sour cream (Green Valley, IIRC) in most major U.S. cities. Whole foods is your best bet, but it can be carried by local chains too. So, no worries if Babish can’t handle regular dairy any more.

1 percent reported diagnosed. Up to 5 percent undiagnosed, according to different estimates I have seen for the USA. Your mileage may vary, still a small segment of the population, and hard to statistically estimate, as confidence intervals can be larger percentage than target population. Still sucks if it affects

I never used to do restaurant reviews, and still do not do Yelp reviews. I have food allergies (one of them is gluten), and I have a gluten tester I use every time I eat out. I post using the app, so users have data points on how well the restaurant does gluten free. It’s not for the masses, true gluten intolerance is

I used to worry about the light, or regular olive oil having been adulterated with other cooking oils. However, I have not traced a problem to olive oil yet (I am allergic to soy, one of the cheapest oils that someone could add to olive oil to stretch out the batch.) I still avoid the cooking sprays.

Nope. I pretty much figured you would address it. I was surprised you would go back and eat pizza again. 

At 1600 a month, you can buy a $100,000 car. Lincoln Continental starts at $46,000. Sounds a bit overpriced.

Just ship up some cheesecake filling to top the brownie mixture while using the water bath method. Mmm brownie cheesecake bites.

Nothing wrong with a good box mix. I use one, though I have to use a gluten free mix. I fuss over homemade recipes for bread, cheesecake, meatballs and other foods due to multiple food allergies (gluten, soy, lactose). I have zero guilt grabbing a gluten free brownie mix and throwing it together, with some chocolate

You had me at Zoloft. 

Nothing preventing an enterprising student from getting a cheap grill and charcoal for fair weather cookouts. No kitchen needed, but you may want heavy duty gloves to move your slightly warm grill at the end of the day. More of a treat than regular plan, like an induction cooktop if the dorm electrical breakers will

Pot Roast. You can reheat, fry in a pan, use for a sandwich, filling for a pot pie, funky topping for a salad, lettuce wrap.

I don’t eat out often, but when I do, I bring my own Searzall. Stay cool (charcool) my friends.

Rice wrap everything!