
I never get tired of this.

Remind me to never drink out of the punchbowl at a party with Torchinsky. Not saying he is the cause, but damn.

Grid cats! Just like F1, adorable and high maintenance. Isn’t herding F1 drivers just like herding cats?

1954 Aerocar. Its real, and works. Can we get Pur Sang Motors to make faithful roadable / flyable copies? The current killer is modern car and plane engineering requirements driving the potential purchase price way too high, and a perceived small market at that price. Flying cars will probably be a real market after

Detroit? Corrupt Cops? No problem! Omni Consumer Products has the solution!

Jason, quit making fun of the trainer’s cars for these events. You know that the sh*tboxs you described are pretty close to what these people daily off the track. Cause they gave their right arm, left leg and signed in blood to get a job ferrying people in hot lap ride-alongs daily in supercars. Hmm, actually doesn’t

A couple more pieces of advice.

Well, try as you might, I don’t think GM can get Americans go on a diet and lose weight for fuel savings. Oh, you meant the cab, not the people. Carry on :)

I disagree. You don’t have to race in F1 to be an advocate. I am sure Alanis King could be an effective advocate. As for the physical factor, aren’t there women fighter pilots? That is an endurance job with high G loads..... K, enough mansplaining, I know the ladies can take care of themselves.

Quality. 214,000 miles for a Maserati? Clearly the Fiat unicorn.

If you had the money, would you buy one, or an older stock JK?

Kind of like the sign, Horn Broke, watch for finger? Some people are old school when it comes to gestures. Probably set to order a new minivan with the GM gesture recognition when that particular finger flies.

Why not star both? Then write to your Congress critters about it, and look up why we have the homeless problem, and what we can personally do to fix it. There are many organizations that work with the homeless and disadvantaged. They can use our support, both in time and donations.

Ouch. Tracey (or was it Ralf?) had it right, coveralls for dirty work. On the bright side, if normal measures don’t get the stuff out, you have fodder for an article on Lifehaker. Once the clothing is declared officially dead, have at it on the extreme laundry cures.

Tracey, scrap them, minus your parts raid. But do the steps in correct order, pull your expected useful parts, then buy your next project car, inspect, pull any additional parts, then scrap the old projects. If you don’t pull the useful parts first, you run the risk of just trying to keep them all.

Nope. Learned how to hotwire a car in Boy Scouts.... I was one of those bored kids at times.

Bored kids, high voltage and a challenge to prank someone. Bikes can be locked up, but still stolen. Some kids will figure it out and post on the internet.

Range anxiety averted, until there are so many Model 3 and other electric cars out there, that 10 year olds and irate drivers waiting to charge unplug your car at the charging station.

Kind of the same for cars?

There is a large market for autonomous cars, and many are trying to get there first to capture as much as possible early in the market to dominate the market. The fallout could shut down as much as a third to half of sales in the long run as timeshare, fleet rental and spot use market reduce the number of cars needed