
KingOfKong, you completely clueless idiot, what part of “violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act” do you obviously NOT comprehend? I won’t even get into details about the OTHER laws that EA, the NFL, and Madden have violated!

Obviously, you are a moronic troll, Swamp Donkey.

Also, I have seen myself in a mirror and when I do see myself in a mirror, I say to myself, “Thank you, YAHWEH EL ELOHIM, for not making myself as much of a moron as dangerism, Darkeus, and the poster that made the idiotic comments about anime and manga.”


Yes, am glad to tell someone to go fuck off, as said lecturer is a fucking moron and I would even say it to his face in perfect Japanese if it is necessary. I do not do the double face thing that Japanese culture demands and I also have zero tolerance for hypocrisy in life. also, speaking of being a troll, both you

Thank you for admitting that you are a dumb ass, Dorkeus. Also, if you do not like my mouth, then kindly do both myself, and the rest of the truly intelligent world a HUGE fucking favor and have a cup of shut the fuck up, you irritated twat, okay? Thank you. Also, your pathetic attempts to taunt me will most likely

I just hope that the features on Another Metroid 2 Remake and the bosses that were both exclusive to that game also make their way to Metroid: Samus Returns because from what I saw of AMTR/AM2R, that game had a lot of good ideas and from what I saw of MSR, it also had a lot of good ideas, so, at the very least,

MAKE me fucking calm down, acme64, you dick bag! Seriously, your commentary is as worthless as the products that you sell to various Warner Brothers cartoons.

Thank for proving that you and the lecturer are such in your lives. Do you feel superior to everyone else all the time or do you work hard at having your head shoved up your ass, dangerIsm?

Hi, I do not give a fuck, damn, shit, or rat’s ass, flying, fucking, or otherwise. Kindly get bent, you fucking Alabama hot pocket eating, felch linking, PMsing, stupid basic bitch, dick bag, annoying twat, walking and talking cancerous tumor that should rightfully be excised from the human race! Now go fuck yourself!

The Muslim jokes that could be made from this movie would be completely politically incorrect, but then again, as a person that stands against the exploitation of young girls, and that also is living in the place where MST3K originally was located (and is still nearby in the newest episodes), and that said place also

Why do people love to fight between Mike and Joel? Honestly, this kind of thinking was the Team Edward versus Team Jacob argument even BEFORE the Twilight saga ever existed and it is equally, if not even MORE, annoying that THAT idiotic fight. (Of course, if a Belmont or any of their friends came along, then it

The LGBT agenda is hate speech, intolerance, and elitism, so deal with it, snowflake!

No, it was not settled and it will only be settled when elitist asshats like you are long past dead and buried due to starting shit that you honestly can not back up in your lives. Honestly, this fucking shit is like the ananas-pineapple debate again. Finally, your argument is invalid due to things like Watership Down

You are full of shit, Blood_Of_Lamb, and ditto for anyone else that agrees with your bullshit terminology, period, full stop.

Now playing

I simply end that fucking argument by saying that the story is the only thing that matters and if it sucks in anime, manga, or related forms, REGARDLESS of the language, then it sucks as a whole, period, full stop, and then if people give me shit about it, then shit like this happens as a result.

One could also make a similar argument for a semi-related show based upon an American comic strip named Heathcliff as well.

The Anime Encyclopedia is full of shit...try again.

Yes, and you are a fucking moron if you do not see them as one and the same thing. Osamu Tezuka, were he still alive, would tell you all to politely piss off on your needless, uncalled for, and unnecessary elitism and hypocrisy. You so-called “anime fans” are the animated equivalent of Pharisees and, as such, I do not

Anime is ALL types of animation internationally, including what is in Japan, and anyone that argues otherwise gets a punch in the throat, period, full stop. I fixed that definition for you, Mikkuru.