
Once again, salty fanboys/fangirls of the company come out to defend it, no matter what, instead of seeing the writing that is on the wall, and by that, the it, I mean, I do not merely mean the antics of people that like Microsoft, Sony, Steam, and GOG, but I also mean those that support Nintendo. Moreover, Nintendo,

I could tell you how to stop Nintendo, as well as those lawyers, from doing these things, but then there would be people that would be worse than the lawyers after me, and then I would have to try and stop them too.

Nope, because it is for people who think that they are smart but, ironically are morons, you know, people like Atheists and Evolutionists.

Which is why we need to convert the envirotards into it instead.

Wow, are you a moron.

Hey, you, fuck off, twat face! Tell the fucking developers and producers of video games to quit nickel and diming the customers first and MAYBE I will actually consider giving a fuck for your below shit tier opinion.  Also, if anyone is a thief, it is the companies that charge whatever the fuck that they wish for

First of all, I honestly never give a damn about the fear of missing out fucking bullshit.  I am a trend setter, not a slave to trends.  Second, I will play a video game that I want on my own time. Third, I will choose whether or not to buy a video game. Fourth, emulators exist and they will also do so until the end

You might as well shut up and quit making yourself look more and more like a jackass the longer that you type on here. I think that some French artist once had some quote that had said something along the lines of no idea was ever truly original.  I mean, if you think that this game ripped off other anime and manga,

As it should be because LGBTQ movement peddling games suck more balls than its members do on a daily basis.

You mean the developers of the game? Also, please do not insult shit like that, as it serves several positive purposes for humankind, whereas people that peddle LGBTQ movement agenda peddling bigotry, intolerance and hate speech, as well as the trolls from the Chans, all literally serve none of them whatsoever towards

...or the judges, lawyers, attorneys, defenders, media, cops and the families of the victims.

I am not sure that a body count is supposed to be a normal thing anyway, but then again, I am watching True Crime Network, so...


...and Communism and any other stupid form of government, including any form of Anarchism, are all any better?  Yeah, human history says otherwise on the matter.

Be gone, lying troll!  You are probably responsible for this evil with food in the first place!

LEGO is for artists of all ages, and not your hypocritical idiocy!

LEGO and anti-war activists are always hypocritical and genocidal in regards to war.

I feel like you are an Asperhole that is also being an elitist hypocritical gate keeper that has ironically not practiced what you preached in regards to using your imagination when you build things from LEGO.

That is why I assassinate the assholes that are from the left, right, middle, and fringe that keep arguing with their fucking bullshit, and not even franchise creators are immune to this outcome.

Matriarchy AND patriarchy BOTH ruin society.  Now you lot of primitive fuck heads need to shut the fuck up before I make a throne of your dead corpses and tankards out of your hollow ass skulls!