
Harem anime and manga are just simply the Japanese take of things that also exist within Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Islam, and many African religions, as well as to a smaller extent what existed in China, so to complain about harem anime and manga when no one bats an eye at things like “The

Well, that Japanese lecturer is a fucking moron and you should have gotten a refund if you paid to listen to his bullshit.

Do I detect butt hurt and saltiness?

That game ended up being one of the best sellers for EA AND Nintendo for the GameCube, so yes, you bitter twat, I do remember when that happened. Do you know the game called NBA Street Vol. 3?

FOAD, archronos! No one cares for your shit opinion!

FOAD, Paulo! No one cares for your shit opinion except your few clone IDs that are also making that same shit opinion.

Fuck what Kotaku says and the naysayers on here say as well about such things! Even Donkey Kong ‘94 on the Game Boy took place in, among other places, a city environment! Perhaps New Donk City is where THAT game, and consequentially, the original Donkey Kong Trilogy (as well as the brilliant fan-made Donkey Kong II)

FOAD, UserConnect! Your opinion is unwarranted, unnecessary, uncalled for, and incorrect.

FOAD, Banjo, you Communist jerk!

FOAD, Paulo! The truth is that human city environments have been around at least since Mario Kart 64, so your whining will not change what has already been around for nearly two decades.

STFU, Trizu2! They DID try to make Princess Zelda into a hero once and that game also happened to be on the Philips CD-I. Also, there was a sequel of sorts that was only for the Super Famicom that had you either choose a male or female heroic character that was supposed to be defending the Kingdom of Hyrule since Link

I don’t think that she really has to worry since she has powers that are so vast that they are practically god tier. She is even more powerful than Superman Prime 1,000,000, to say nothing of the other powerhouses of the comic, cartoon, anime, and manga universes.

Aw, is the little butt hurt bigot mad because I called their bluff? What’s wrong, did you not get enough Kamitora for today?

Yes, it will not be lost on yourself.

You mean you admit that you are clearly out of your mind? I am glad that we have that matter settled now.

First of all, I’m 37 years old, which hardly qualifies myself as a little kid. Second, even if I WAS one, I said what I said because the removal of the halogen lights is merely an extension of the ban of lightbulbs of the more conventional variety and to replace them with things like halogen bulbs (which are also used

Now as for those three individuals, they WERE being petty, unlike yourself that was not so with anyone else on this board. You have actually been somewhat nice, but when you have a person named SterilizeAllRepublicans on this board, that honestly does not bode well for the tolerance and open-mindedness that the

I know, right? However, what I said is also true, but it is not the fault of liberals alone that have caused us to be fucked as a whole. I honestly wish that political elections were simply solved inside steel cage wrestling matches myself, preferably with wrestling type weapons that are involved. Seriously, we could

First of all, you Fascist, gun grabbing, Lucifer worshiping twat, I never voted for Trump, or any of the other dickbags that ran against him (I put myself as a write-in candidate, as I have done since I was 20). Second, I dislike the policies of that evil servant of Lucifer, let alone those of the left, right, middle,

So says the person that has the word “butthole” in their user name...how ironic. Thank you for telling me all about yourself, what you are, what kind of moral character that you have in your life, and why your mother should have swallowed and your father should have pulled out sooner. Yourself, Darkeius, and Mike De