
Yes, you ARE forever dumb, thank you and I am an author and my mother is a teacher, so yes, I DO know what the word “ado” means. Do you know what the words “go fuck yourself, you fuck faced twat waffle” mean?

MAKE me shut the fuck up, you fucking douchebag!

The thing is that liberals ARE petty, though, Brian, and Damon proved it in spades, as did Carly, Anna, and SterilizeAllRepublicans.

You need to be removed for your user name alone. Yes, Trump is a moron, but so were the people that ran against him as well as the previous President and all of the people that ran against him, and others before the lot of those morons. However, when you ask to sterilize someone, you are acting no better than the Nazi

Carly Sagan, and yet here you are proving to be what you proclaim that the governor of Oklahoma and her children are in their lives by the words that have come out of your mouth...how ironic. Also, as I had asked the OP of the article, so I shall ask you the same question regarding children and whether anyone has

I wish YOU would go away instead, Grymnir.

Would you prefer to have a crucifix put upside down in a glass of urine with a sponge instead? I’d rather have the cool retro looking minimalist Pokémon art, please.

Shut up, Tooth! No one cares for HDERWs like you. You take the fun out of everything with your mere existence.

The simple solution is to pimp smack elitist anti-Christian/Jewish/Israel jerks.

Sod off, Brimfyre! The Uranus/Neptune thing was not necessary and a better way to have gone about it was them simply distrusting men rather than hating them outright. Furthermore, the LGBT movement is hate speech by default, regardless of how many people, how many powerful people, how many organizations, how much

Vegans are evil scum.

Huffy, if you think that because I like video games, anime, manga, action heroes, cartoons, comic books, LEGO, and Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books causes myself to have some serious development issues, and if I am also supposed to develop into someone who is going to yell “You damn kids had better get off of my lawn,”

Vegans are scum and they also harm the environment every bit as much as smokers.

If that were the case, then I would be Lu Bu.

Are naked bodies and sex fictional?

Evolution is the cake and the cake, as we all know it, is a lie.

Yes, you are a douchebag and YAHWEH EL ELOHIM knows it, Luciferian troll. Now go crawl back into your cave, under your bridge, or back into your parent’s basement, you Cheetos and Mountain Dew consuming, fedora wearing, hipster elitist douchebag neckbeard!

The Mary Sue blocked me because I called them out on this lie. I have two smoking guns that make any and all claims of the LGBT coalition inert. These smoking guns are

Yes, thank you for describing yourself in a nut shell. ThisIsNotAName is right and you are wrong,

Your elitism is what is ruining humanity. Reading is reading and it should be enjoyed REGARDLESS of the medium in which it is written on, period, full stop.