Yet the trolls are out, standing up for the airline, because “international” is in the name of the airport so they must have been going abroad and trafficking and One Time I Heard, people are dumb.
Yet the trolls are out, standing up for the airline, because “international” is in the name of the airport so they must have been going abroad and trafficking and One Time I Heard, people are dumb.
Nope, and if you’re flying domestically the kids don’t need a passport either. The check-in person usually just reads the ticket and says, “Who is __?” and the kid answers. Have flown dozens of times with my three kids and even when we bring passports for them the only ID’s that are EVER asked for domestically are my…
At second, the fielder at least can see the threat coming. Blindside bullshit like this, knowing full well that going after the legs is illegal BECAUSE it’s dangerous, is an overt attempt to injure. Fuck Rizzo, fuck Maddon, fuck the Cubs, and fuck the mouthbreathers who defend this shit. Oh, and fuck the on-field and…
It wasn’t clear from the post, but I really really want to believe these people mean the bathmat that is actually in the shower. Like the rubber one that some people use to make sure you don’t slip and break your leg. Maybe they step out, piss all over it, then turn the shower on for a second to *kind of* wash it down…
Waiting until the last moment to merge is mathematically more efficient. It’s just science. You lemmings getting in line early deserve to suffer for your foolishness with a longer wait.
“Common sense says motor down and wait for an opening and slide right in.”
BelAir is fine, Conejito’s is way overrated.
The only person stunned by this development is, still, Sterling Brown.
this would basically be the Jalop equivalent of Deadspin’s annual “Why Your Team Sucks” NFL team previews. dooooooo itttttt
This is obviously the right answer, but I guess that makes Vladdy’s greatest skill being able to stand perfectly still without so much as twitching a muscle in his face
Lots of condiments are better at room temp. Ketchup, butter, BBQ, maple syrup.
Dude! My brother in law came over to my place for ribs that I had been smoking all damned day and put fucking Sriracha all over them! I looked at my wife like he’d stuck a knife in my back and pissed in my eyes...and he asks why we never invite him over for ribs anymore.
I believe that the described enormity of said cocks was intended by the original writer as a metaphor for the level to which his or her team (the Bruins) had been fucked by incorrect rulings.
Wrong! Bledsoe just plays like a backup point guard. He’s unfortunately a starter.
My wife has this habit of getting in the car and before turning it on, she gets out her phone to queue up music, directions, w/e. But that phone use has a tendency to expand into checking texts, returning texts, checking snapchat, facebook, etc. Dear god woman, turn on the car, it’s 100F in here and I can’t even crack…
Asking people to take their shoes to get in/drive your car is an insane and ridiculous request.
People who merge early are the cause of traffic from behind getting to the front of the queue out of turn. It’s quite their fault for creating the conditions that allow it to happen.
lol at the one complaining when people zipper merge. Sorry Spaz, you’re in the wrong there.
Any mid-market city needs to have a good, functional arena. The BC is a shitty, poorly designed concrete trash heap with terrible acoustics that failed to land an NHL franchise. The Bucks play 41 home games every year. The arena hosts 200+ events every year. This is not Miami or Atlanta where the owners are COMPLETE…