Pssst... There’s a good chance your dryer door is reversible so it will open away from the washer. Probably just a few screws. I did it to mine and it makes it much easier getting the clothes transferred.
Pssst... There’s a good chance your dryer door is reversible so it will open away from the washer. Probably just a few screws. I did it to mine and it makes it much easier getting the clothes transferred.
The dryer is always closest to the exterior wall because of the exhaust vent. Fact.
I was describing this to my wife, and she hit me with this blasphemy:
I live in the south and my washer and dryer are set up that way. But it is mostly due to the configuation of the laundry room. The air vent for the dryer being on the left so I have no choice.
My washer and dryer are like that! The air vent for the dryer is on the left because it leads outside, so I can’t configure it any other way. I never thought it was weird till this post.
Yeah I’m not sure where that question even came from. I’ve lived in houses with both setups and in each case, the dryer was closest to the nearest outside wall (i.e. where the dryer vent is) whether it was the left or the right. My last two houses have been dryer left, washer right.
Top-loading washing machines have the hinge on the left, so having the washer on the right would mean you’d be dragging wet clothes around that damned door every time. Top-load washer on the left for me, front-load dryer on the right.
Dryer’s on the left at my place, but I honestly couldn’t tell you for anywhere else I’ve lived. I’ve never paid enough attention.
in my home its washer on the left, dryer on the right, and I never knew the arrangement was even a thing until this funbag and subsequent threads.
Yeah my washer is on the right, dryer on the left. I do happen to be left-handed, but it has mostly to do with the position of the drain and laundry tub. Oh and also the dryer vent. So actually it is the only way you can arrange them in our house.
It all comes down to which way your dryer opens. Hinge on the left means washer on the right. Hinge on the right means washer on the left.
Same here! In fact, I can’t recall ever seeing it the other way around - granted it’s not a thing I make note to pay attention to, but in my experience it’s always been dryer on the left, washer on the right
or that whoever designed the set lived in a place where the washer HAD to be on the right to be closer to the plumbing setup
I nominate bowling for high farting levels. Exertion is minimal, but you’re drinking multiple beers and eating shitty fried food. Or, you know, so I’ve heard.
I don’t understand why this is a thing? Why do you feel the need to track down a material object that was sold to someone else. How will it bring closure to you? I just don’t get it. There are more important things to worry about in life than a material possession you or one of your relatives used to own.
I sometimes think family therapy would go a long ways toward resolving these situations.
He would have gotten his ass eaten?
Bourbon >>> Diarrhea Noodle Sludge
Here in Michigan, it seems that zero traditional bars do these things, but nearly every single brewpub does both. It’s a godsend not to have to carry back a glass of water along with multiple beers from the bar, it saves the bartenders time on serving people who only want water, and I can get a drink any time I need…
Most of the microbreweries in the greater Boston area have self-serve water coolers around the establishment. Aside from being a convenience for everyone, I think it helps add to the positive vibe of the place. It’s like, “Hey, we’re here to chill, have good beer, and drink responsibly.”