
Well, that headline was certainly a huge disappointment

It’s a real person’s name! If it were just some random German word, you’d have every right to go nuts, but it’s not. You’re mispronouncing a real person’s name.

Chris doesn’t know the difference between a duvet and a featherbed, methinks.

The front yard fight scene.

He juuuust got bit outside.

Now playing

Well, this is as good an excuse as I’m going to get to post one of the all-time-great late-night appearances by one of the all-time-great comics.

How about fuck the parents who left a gun lying around or maybe even fuck the parents for not teaching the kid to not play with guns. This has nothing to do with the NRA.

Sorry, but RC is better than Coke and Pepsi.

The password isn’t for the players, it’s obviously for the spectators. If you want to watch (and gamble on!) people blowing their brains out, you want that happening behind a passworded door.

Holy shit. This is honestly the worst take I have ever read.

Look, I’m a white dude who would also like to see her ass get beat. Do all white people have to be considered asshole racists? I know plenty who aren’t, and yes, many who are. But the fucking “those people” argument is bad no matter who uses it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Fuck Ron. Ron is the reason those cars aren’t in good enough shape to sell. Ron is a hoarder who was letting perfectly fixable and even roadworthy cars decompose while calling himself a collector. Ron is the reason those things are getting scrapped. Even if the township

Nebraska has been trying to figure out what type of football they want to play dating back to the early 2000's. The move is a good excuse, but it’s not the reason they aren’t what they once were. Instead of a national title contender they have become Wisconsin’s punching bag.

I grew up an outdoor enthusiast and a conservative. I’m fine with guns and hunting, etc. I also believe in preservationism so that future generations can enjoy the beauty of this Earth.

“Turbulence, even what most people consider “really bad” on commercial flights, is so minor compared to what you feel on planes that fly at no more than 12,000 ft (non-pressurized cabins).”

It only makes sense if you want to only sell to half of the population. Until about a month ago, nobody gave a shit who they shopped next to. As someone who is right of center, I do all of these when I have the opportunity except hunting and fishing (and the associated clothing).

I live about 40 min away from the largest Cabelas in the country. The camping area is laughably small. The gun counter is huge and clothing makes up the majority of the floor space. The fishing area is also quite large.

By the way, Barf was on the Space Winnebago, not a plane:

Cabela’s, which is ostensibly a camping store

They’re signing Cromartie?