For kids..
Hot = Scolding
Warm = Still Too Hot
Cold = I’m Full
For kids..
Hot = Scolding
Warm = Still Too Hot
Cold = I’m Full
Trying to get with cousins is always a disaster.
Maybe I’m missing something, but according to the quote that immediately follows, it actually sounds like Van Gundy does think that this rule is unfair and racist.
No. Don’t pay the players. That’s a dumb idea. Seriously dumb on so many levels. Pay which ones? Only some? All?
“For whatever reason, for better or worse, she doesn’t seem to have that inner voice that says you can’t do it.” You mean a conscience, right?
I know we shouldn’t read too much into it b/c he probably didn’t mean it this way, but “that ship has sailed” implies that it would’ve been ideal to get a second surgery, but now it’s too late.
The headline definitely makes it sound like he was committing the robbery - right?
Or really, unnecessarily slamming anyone. I just read the piece and “Wendy’s” seems to be only a small part of it. The dude walked around practice with candy in his pockets!
kinda rich that this very web site has buried the story of Greg Howard sexually assaulting a Gawker co-worker for a long time now and wants to call out ESPN for something like this.
Exactly. The original headline was sensational and shitty. It shouldn’t have existed in the first place. This isn’t like ESPN pulled a story about how Wendy’s has been funding strippers for OSU’s football team, following pressure from the advertiser. They wrote a dumb and misleading headline, the company called them…
I meaaaaan... this is fine? I feel like calling out Wendy’s in the original headlines was kinda shitty? Obviously the message was cut out fast food but Brown’s experience was tied to a nearby Wendy’s. So while it can be pointed out in the article that he stopped going to Wendy’s, calling them out in the headline makes…
Or if they are autstic. I had regular meltdowns from being overwhelmed. It had nothing to do with manipulation, because of the autism I was unable to even communicate what I wanted effectively and took the first no for an answer. As an autstic adult who had since learned about “pester power” I feel pretty ripped off.
Wait a second. Let’s not act like the previous 3 administrations did anything about gun violence. This is something that goes beyond Trump and even if he wanted to he wouldn’t get far. I know this might sound defeatist, but it’s a problem that may be unsolvable outside of shutting down gun manufacturing. permanently.…
“It is indisputably sexual harassment. That’s a crime,”
You are an incredibly stupid person.
Her title is literally “nothing happened to shaun white”. I think we can infer that she does in fact think something should happen to him. Her article doesn’t make a compelling argument, and I remain unconvinced that there was any harm or issue here.
Right, I got that.