More than you have, probably. You ask them politely to stop. If they don’t stop, you give them a time out. Rinse, repeat. Pretty soon you get to skip the time out. No muss, no fuss.
More than you have, probably. You ask them politely to stop. If they don’t stop, you give them a time out. Rinse, repeat. Pretty soon you get to skip the time out. No muss, no fuss.
BMW’s statement points to exactly this issue. From the linked article:
Who said he is a sexual harasser, was he proven guilty in court?
So these reporters bring up something that based upon the public facts could very easily have just been a bad break up between band mates (like that has never happened before) and has amounted to nothing more than allegations and a out of court settlement. The presumption of innocent until proven guilty in court truly…
Settled out of court right? Disgusting allegations (poopy stuff). No criminal charges. Settled out of court. No further allegations from other people? Ok.
Boston will never be dethroned. They are by far the worst and always will be forever and forever until the heat death of the universe and all that.
When two of these teams play, they should switch sides of the court so the teams are shooting at the wrong basket. Then they could play a normal basketball game, except the winner would actually be the loser.
At BP, green is gasoline and black is diesel.
Actually that’d make a pretty great upbeat-duo act kind of skate.
i bought these. they are worth it. only thing to remember is that any can or bottle that isn’t the same dimensions as a traditional 12 oz can won’t fit snugly inside.
i bought these. they are worth it. only thing to remember is that any can or bottle that isn’t the same dimensions…
Headlights at a certain time of dusk creates very nasty blindness.
Joe Johnson, Dwyane Wade and Derrick Rose? The 2011 NBA trade deadline is nuts!
You do know that gentrification =/= “white people”, right? These guys came from a barely middle-class family and lived on bread and milk (and handouts from Kenyan pro runners) until they earned enough money running to support themselves.
This was terrific story!
Who stuck Matt Damon’s face on a very large thumb?
1. Regular table salt usually means iodized salt which is... iodized, and also contains other chemicals such as anti-clumping agents and whatnot. These things affect the flavor, so yeah, they taste different
-Kosher salt is great. How do you NOT know this already?? Your dad worked in the restaurant industry but isn’t all about kosher salt? That is suspicious to me.
Anthony Mason was the beginning of the end for that team.
It’s kind of sad that, even though the new ownership group has been a just-beginning-to-smoulder tire fire, we still can look back and think, “well, they’re still better than Kohl.” But that Allen trade has got to be one of the biggest fuck ups of all time. He was the face of the franchise, an all star who actually…
Add this to the “Evidence George Karl is a doofus” folder, please.