
It’s shit like this that makes me happy I’m a Diet Pepsi man.

Do not ride in bed of pickup, especially if you are a Bengal.

Those two touchdowns are a giant step forward for the league. Both were catches to any sane person who has not had their mind warped by the NFLs bullshit philosophical dissection of “what IS a CATCH, MAAAAN?”

No danger! It’s just the implication.

Good news for fans of science fiction’s greatest f-bomber, Chrisjen Avasarala.

flu devils

Brady throws a pick-6 to end the game on their first OT possession.

While the case appears to have been grossly mishandled, either on purpose or through sheer incompetence and negligence, the fact that for whatever reason it didn’t end up going anywhere it’s not surprising he doesn’t remember. How many of us remember something from our job from 14 years ago, especially something that

In fairness, that was 14 years ago. I vaguely remember the girls I dated at the time and don’t recall at least two of their last names. That was way more involved than reviewing someone else’s report. I doubt my 11th grade teacher remembers my book report on One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Shit, I barely remember

1. Law. No. 1 and it’s not close. Legal jargon is the emperor of all bad jargon. I don’t know how you lawyers do it. I really don’t. Reading a single paragraph of legal copy makes me want to die. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have to write any of it

Law jargon is a lot of Latin which is an actual thing as opposed to made up bullshit.

Dude, read the OTL report again. ESPN clearly reported that all of those incidents were investigated by police.

Train for 9 years and compete in the Senior Olympics.

Yet still silence from you and your fellow editors about your friend Greg Howard sexually assaulting a Gawker co-worker while he was at Deadspin

He never metatarsal he didn’t like.

Good thing I have enough time to watch both of them and don’t need to choose.

GoldenEye 007 is the only game to remember

jesus christ, ball tick boy is lucky his brother didn’t tear his scrotum open. What a bunch of idiots.

You could just have a headline that says “Draymond Green is a dick” and post it every day and it would be true most of the time.

What a dumb thing to lie about...