
I’m not real familiar with how tax-exempt bonds work - but wouldn’t this usually be a state/local/municipality issue rather than a federal one? I.e., I always thought it was city and states that handed out this money to rich dickheads so they don’t move their teams to another city willing to shell out money for a new


Normally I would be more than happy to have OSU eat shit, but this just seems like a really dumb rule. Especially since the kid FUCKING ASKED TO GO TO THE SET!

We all just watched Star Wars. We know one of Santa’s super powers. He should go full holdo maneuver on Godzilla.

For real. Fuck that song x 1,000,000,000,000

“Wonderful Christmastime” may be the worst song in the history of music.

Lennon and McCartney alone DESTROY the curve for secular holiday music.

“Two games” - Roger Goodell

if only kendall jenner got there sooner with that pepsi...

Kind of seems like every single coach and player involved should have been given a lifetime ban from the sport and charged with felony assault? All things considered this seems like a very light punishment.

Suspensions? Relegation?! Where the fuck are the arrests and criminal charges?!?!?

Being a born-and-bred Minnesotan, I was pretty surprised by that as well. But, if Drew spent his time in MN entirely within the 694/494 loop (i.e. the freeways that circle around Minneapolis and Saint Paul), it’s possible he could have escaped hearing the song. Once you get outside that perimeter, you’re much more

And written by Steve Goodman (of Chicago) and John Prine. Goodman also wrote Go Cubs Go. He was a god.

Sure, I prefer a traditional slice, but this “party style” is absolutely fine with me, I love the 4 triangle pieces you get that are mostly crust, and to be honest, you could pretty much cut a pizza into whatever shape floats your pizza boat and I’d be more than happy to eat it.

My wife is a teacher of kids that age and I outright called that kid a stupid asshole the other day. She was quick to “not-all-ten-year-olds” me.

Because your score isn’t official until you sign your scorecard. You can make changes up until that point. This is the serious answer to your question. I assume you wanted a serious answer.

I’m pretty on-the-record here as proudly being this site’s Cici’s caucus. Papa John’s benefitted greatly in that experiment for being served early, meaning the slices were at least lukewarm and not room temperature or...worse. Papa makes a fine trash pizza—better than Pizza Hut and Lil Caesar’s; worse than an actually

Exactly. Granted, my knowledge of collateral estoppel is based on one episode of Law & Order, but I think Deadspin is now contractually precluded from calling Papa John’s trash pizza.

This comment is perfect. Got ‘em!

My favorite part of this is Nick McQuade repping “Book It!”. Total callback to my childhood, and I love it.