Possibly even more effectively with the added weight on his hip.
Possibly even more effectively with the added weight on his hip.
Could be wrong but pretty sure a cop with a gun could do exactly the same thing.
Exactly. Pretty sure a cop with a gun could have done the same thing.
What do guns have to do with this story? Or are you just looking to stir up a gun debate any chance you get?
Counterpoint - fuck Duke
they should simply scrap it all together. They clearly don’t give a fuck about it as anything other than a marketing tool, just like their ‘military appreciation week’, or their ‘breast cancer awareness’ scam where most of the donations end up their own pockets rather than anything to do with cancer.
As standard policy, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) suspends ALL lane closure operations during Thanksgiving holiday travel days! Of course this excludes major on-going construction projects where the road is tore-up, but they’ll be no lane closures for sign repair, maintenance, anything that can be…
Interesting, I would have assumed that text with the word “fuck” in it would fall under the obscenity exception to free speech, but it appears the court has already ruled that that precise word, in pretty much the same precise circumstance, doesn’t.
Depends on where you live. In CA, as I’ve recently discovered, to purchase even long rifles now, you not only have to wait out a 10-day waiting period, but you also have to take a written test (I failed it first time I tried a practice test), and perform a safety demonstration in front of a licensed seller when you…
My gripe is, I don’t think it needs to be overly burdensome to still be effective at keeping guns out of the hands of people we know should not have them, it will just cost money for the systems currently in place to leverage technology to keep a background check system up to date in real time or very, very, near as…
Even if you accept the (obviously, stupidly, grandly wrong) conservative interpretation of the Second Amendment, there’s still no actual right to sell guns. So why not ban that?
For anyone counting, this one IS a first amendment issue, what with the sheriff and that prosecutor saying they will try to bring charges. That is the government trying to suppress free speech (as opposed to twitter removing a checkmark, which is not). Now lets see those self styled libertarians on the alt!right…
The Europa League would suggest that it’s also so European.
I agree with this as someone who hides their beer in a special beer chamber under their stairs near my printing station. No errant guests/relatives are getting my rum-barrel stout.
Like you said, this is extremely sad. It sucks. But... children get killed doing apparently safer activities every single day. Your friend’s daughter could easily be seriously hurt or killed in a car accident or a fall on the playground. She could be taken or killed by some evil subhuman person. It’s awful to think…
Fraught rhymes with naught, which is one letter away from naughty. Ergo, he should change his name to Purple Orange to avoid any confusion.
“And I would have gotten away with it too, if I had just been a little better at football.”
Brewers fan here and I keep Central Waters Stout in my shop fridge too! Right now I also have Wisconsin Brewing Badger Club Amber and Point Onyx on hand.