Those 2 sound like a bunch of A-ho’s.
Those 2 sound like a bunch of A-ho’s.
I’m trying to picture where across/over I-43 in MKE something like this is, but can’t. Do you happen to know where it is?
That makes much more sense.
Why would you need a password to potentially commit suicide? I don’t think Nick knows what Russian Roulette is.
For sure it’s the first guaranteed contract to a free agent. And my thought went right to Rodgers. My guess is 3-yr extension, min. $100 mil guaranteed.
As someone that identifies as conservative and is both an avid visitor of Cabela’s & Bass Pro Shops but also a lifetime REI co-op member I’ve never once thought about REI as you do about Cabela’s. I love the quality of the products at REI from a camping perspective, but they don’t sell ammo for my hunting rifle or all…
1) Would you rather your flight be delayed or hop on the barf flight:
Yeah, I chuckled when I read this. The Cabela’s I go to most often is probably 1/3 guns/archery/hunting, 1/3 fishing, with the majority of that last 1/3 being clothing. There’s very little “camping” gear relative to the other departments in the store.
I have this Anova, and yes, it does have a timer. Sucks that yours broke, but I’ve had mine for 2+ years and love it. I’ve seen the Monoprice one in in email, so glad to hear it works well.
I have this Anova, and yes, it does have a timer. Sucks that yours broke, but I’ve had mine for 2+ years and love…
It does depend on the state and the exact situation though. Wisconsin has a pretty strong consumer protection law, and I’ll use myself as an example.
Well, then. I have a bridge to sell you. I guess you still believe that VW didn’t deliberately fudge emissions in the U.S. (since that is what it stated in official statements for the better part of a year until it was announced they DID intentionally fudge emissions).
9) My ‘92 Olds Cutlass Supreme had this. And it had a magnet to boot, so you could unspool it and stick it to anything metallic. It was awesome.
You’d have to be a Murano to think this is a good pun.
I’ll give you that it borders on poor sportsmanship in not accepting the silvers.
How did they ever turn down shared gold? That was NEVER an option. Also, your revisionist history doesn’t jive with the well-documented facts.
According to the article, the dealership made the claim as well. As such, if this guy does decide to sue, the dealer’s sales records become discoverable.
Gronk approves
If he was eating, at a restaurant, where you generally have to pay for the food, how was he going to pay? Maybe the alleged robbers were actually Timecops trying to prevent a dine & dash?
I never said any suit would be successful. I just said that lawyers in that area froth at the mouth when they see headlines like that. Just sending out C&D letters give them hard-ons.