
I take it as making it less misleading. As I replied to others, I guess you’d be okay with an article titled: “Don’t want to be in a car accident? Don’t drive a Ford!” when the premise of the article is that the person in a car accident was driving their Ford like a fuck-wit and crashed, then bought a Chevy,

Considering the only thing edited was the title of the article,

Um, it didn’t change ANY substance of the story, and in fact Wendy’s is still mentioned in it. It just changed the title of the article.

1) I wasn’t insinuating that there could be a successful claim of defamation or libel - but lawyers sure love when shit like this occurs to send C&D letters with the threat of lawsuits. Just creates a lot of headaches for a lot of people.

goddammit, +1

But the “news” part of it isn’t about Wendy’s. Sure, he ate a fuckton of Wendy’s but it could have been McDonald’s or Billy Bob’s Corner BBQ Shack, or a million other places. The point was quitting fast food and eating healthier helped him succeed, not specifically that it was Wendy’s.

No. If anything, these incidents are more on the bonehead editors that allowed articles and social media posts to go out slamming one of their advertisers.

That’s kinda what I thought. Not only that, but saying shit like that when it’s not the entire reason why he was successful would have defamation/libel/slander lawyers frothing at the mouth.

Buick Regal Joseph Abboud (available in both LS & GS models!)

The Joseph Abboud trim level for Buick Regal.

Um, DEFCON 5 is the least severe level of defense readiness condition. I think you meant DEFCON 1 (e.g. nuclear war is imminent)

BMW’s statement said the 2003 X5 in question was equipped with that feature.

So, assuming that there’s NDA language in a settlement makes his assumption stupid? As a lawyer, I’ve never been a party to a settlement agreement that DIDN’T include NDA language, so his assumption is absolutely valid.

Um, the letter rating on tires relates to speed, not grip.

Weird. They’re yellow by me.

Yup. It works great for standard cans (even some 16 oz cans too), but doesn’t really work for bottles or “skinny” cans like Coors Light or Mich Ultra.

Yup. It works great for standard cans (even some 16 oz cans too), but doesn’t really work for bottles or “skinny”

Uncle Fucka from Terrance & Phillip

You magnificent bastard.

So, how do you propose a network cover a combined 185 event days equalling however many hours of action?

Let’s also not forget that in that offseason he traded Sam Cassell and Ervin “No Magic” Johnson for Joe Fucking Smith.