
I’m not doing what I do to make sure the lights work. I go from the bottom up so that I make sure I don’t leave any gaps or dead spots of lights in the tree.

It’s not a bad take if you want the lights lit when putting them on the tree. I want to only put the lights up once, so I always start at the bottom with the lights plugged in. That way I know I don’t have any “dead spots” and can adjust pretty easily. There’s no way to do that if you decorate from the top down with

Man, I only wish in my area Christmas music was played only for 1 month. There are 2 stations that flip to all Christmas on November 1.

Back when WI still had yellow plates with black letters/number (late 70s/80s), I remember seeing HMFIC on a plate as a kid and asked my dad what that meant. I doubt you could get that approved these days.

Ray Rice may disagree with you on that.

don’t forget the follow-up:

9. Infamously bad fields need to be dealt with.

cue the lawsuit from the driver for the additional damage to the vehicle in 3...2...1...

Too soon, man. Too fucking soon.

It did. But then they did a taste-test that they posted earlier this week. Papa John’s scored the best, by far.

Since you are one of the Deadspin Idiots that taste-tested, then ranked, chain pizzas, which is it: the best (according, somehow, to your rankings) or trash? It can’t be both.

Mega Man 2!

since the nearly undefeated Kentucky squad of 2014-15

Only if it’s concerted activity, which would fall under the NLRA. If it’s a single employee, they do not have that right.

Carlton Banks is a small man. That is all.

You are only partially correct about the 2009 date. Prior to 2009, it was up to players & coaches/staff whether they wanted to be on the sidelines for the anthem; it was after that the NFL began requiring it because of $$. Your statement should say “required” instead of “began” because as far back as I can remember

Now playing

Easy - Lenz Trucks in Fond du Lac, WI. It’s in the “perfect” location to be able to air ads in both the Green Bay and Milwaukee markets.

In Major League Baseball, the designated hitter is a hitter who does not play a position, but instead fills in the batting order for the pitcher. The DH may only be used for the pitcher as stated in Rule 5.11.

As far as I know, there is no technicality around this. The lineup card the manager submits to the ump before the game lists both the batting order and position each person is in. Those players must occupy the position on the field.

Yes, the DH has to be for a pitcher.