Not only that, England isn’t an island. It’s just a country ON an island.
Not only that, England isn’t an island. It’s just a country ON an island.
Wouldn’t a crap number be #2?
In his defense, he was probably only worth about $5 billion when that picture was taken (2003). At that point, he could barely afford cars that have gullwing or scissor doors. You know, like Russ Hanneman.
Unless the husband was trespassing on the property by parking there without registering/paying/obtaining a ticket (or whatever method an individual parking in this particular parking lot obtains payment for parking), there IS a contract between at least the husband and the company that owns the parking lot. What that…
Actually, if my responsibility as the land owner: 1) required me to make daily checks of the entirety of my property; 2) and I had the vehicle description and license plate of a vehicle that may be on my property; and 3) either failed to conduct my required property checks or didn’t report that I actually saw the…
Over Zach Hample? Probably not.
If anything, they should be going to prison for saying “3 am in the morning.” No shit, Sherlock.
I heard he didn’t do it on porpoise.
Hard to believe it’s been over 2 years already. Goddammit.
Yeah, it was called Kissing Suzy Kolber.
But even after he’s secured the ball, he looks back, sees the ump laid out on his back, and just continues to the mound. Either this was done on purpose or the catcher’s a fucking asshole. Or both, I suppose.
I know I’m late to the party on this, but I’m pretty sure Large Marge may disagree with the sentiment that it was the worst accident you’ve ever seen.
That’s knot that funny.
#3,675,483). The Ballpark Pup
I was wondering the same thing. My guess it had to be the Veyron SS because the film vehicle actually pulled ahead of the Chiron ever-so-slightly
So say we all.
Well, regardless of this, he is still the kind of person that thinks it’s okay to pull down women’s tops to expose their breasts in public. So, I’m pretty sure that means he’s not a good person.
Completely agree. Turbulence on major airline flights are soothing.
no worries. kinja happens to the best of us