wut? did you even read any of my posts?
wut? did you even read any of my posts?
What a lousy attorney. Can’t tell the difference between conscious and conscience.
Nope. 33"
Your grocery store doesn’t have a butcher counter in it?
Either that, or just buy the amount you know you’ll eat from the butcher counter. It might be a shade more expensive, but then you get the amount you want.
you see, you have options - e.g. butcher counter - of buying bacon in the amount you know you will consume.
Family of 4. One whole package will be eaten right away, if not more. Some is eaten Sunday morning, then the rest is chopped up and used instead of bacos as a salad topping.
Don’t take this as anything but advice - but either 1) buy bacon from the butcher shop in the amount you know you will consume; 2) make the whole package and chop & freeze the rest - great salad or pizza topper; or 3) make it all and give it to a friend/neighbor.
And yes, I normally cook 3 lb of bacon every Saturday morning.
...especially when you don’t use the whole pack?
Even worse. This is the dipshit Packers fan that has Bears season tickets and is suing the Bears because they will no longer allow him on the field (which he gets from credit card points) in Packers gear.
While it is now a residential road, it was essentially a county highway with a 40 mph limit. Failed to negotiate the left-hand curve and drove straight into a huge maple tree.
Sadly, this used to be pretty common. My cousin, who was 22 at the time, was a passenger in a vehicle driven by her boyfriend. They’d both been drinking and he said he was okay enough - they just had to drive about 2 miles to get to her house. About 100 yds away from her house, he lost control, smashed into a tree…
yup. He strikes out nearly 42% of the time.
He’s definitely plus-defensively, but is streaky as shit at the plate. And generally streaky in the bad way.
This needs way more stars.
There was a “brand” of ATMs called “Tyme,” so if you needed cash with an ATM card, you went to a Tyme machine.