
When I moved in to my first apartment, all my roommates were from Minnesota. I thought they were joking too.

So, the union signed a CBA that allowed the employers to circumvent FLSA (and likely IL state wage law) and now they’re pissed that they let the employer do this? I wonder what concession the union employees got in return.

That’s weird, I suppose, but I still find grey duck very odd. However, in Minnesotan’s defense, I drink water from a bubbler and get cash from a time (Tyme) machine.

Warning: Minnesotans call it “Duck, Duck, Grey Duck”

It’s quite fitting that before they were called “wild cards,” they were called “Best Second-Place Team.” Of course the Lions were the first Best Second-Place Team.

They should replace him with Bob Ley.

But it is about putting pre-orders out at a time in the middle of the night. That’s a dick move.


It would be more fitting to draft the Hound. He short-armed that second throw miserably - pick-sixed his team real bad there.

There’s not enough time? Someone, quick! Call Jessie Spano!

Yes, I’m fully aware that was what his point was. Apparently my snark was lost.

I know. Snark was lost.

You do realize that is the full name of the Confederacy, right?

Not to mention “showed up at the victim’s home,” meaning the victim gave this guy his home address. WHY? A car is completely (in this case, at least) mobile. Meet at a public place. The only thing I’ve sold on Craigslist that I gave my address out for was my old patio set, which was heavy and a fucker to move, so no

That’s not saying much...

“Every morning there’s a halo hangin’ from the corner of my girlfriend’s four-post bed.”

He must believe that Alanis Morisette’s definition of ironic is correct, don’t ya think?

Since you’ve posted this, is anyone at Jalopnik going to cover the triple-murder of attendees at the Great Lakes Dragaway last night?

I know. According to the update in the article, they are releasing women’s gear for this. My point was that in her haste to claim something was sexist, she failed to even do a modicum amount of investigation before publishing her article. Which, not surprisingly does not have an updated title.