
My point was that the marketplace has already determined that there is little demand for jersey sales. Where was Lindsay’s article on the lack of female all-star jerseys?

I’m sorry that your life is so busy and that you don’t know how to use a scissors to take 2 minutes out of your day to cut some length of a shirt, sleeves and collar.

We tend to run smaller ones, but even some of the bigger events around Milwaukee (Al’s Run, Dylan’s Run for Autism) only offer OSFA.

1) These are authentic jerseys. Since only men are in MLB, you can’t make an authentic woman’s-cut jersey;

And, as an aside, my wife loves the unisex shirts she gets from runs. She just cuts them to her liking. What a novel concept.

I’m actually surpised she isn’t going after shirts given out for entering your various running events (5k, 10k, etc.). I’ve yet to see one where they have different cuts for men & women (shit, is that even appropriate to use anymore?) and they know in advance exactly how many shirts for each sex (I did that right, I

But that’s not at all what you said. The OP asked why there were British accents in Star Wars, to which you replied “British accent=the past, Star Wars is futuristic.”

But Star Wars wasn’t an exclusively British-accent movie - pretty much everyone spoke in their “normal” accents other than those that spoke a language requiring subtitles.

So, what accent should be used then?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...”

That’s troupe.

I found this much funnier than it has any right to be.

Agreed, but the way the path was positioned prior to the jug handle would put the cyclist in a precarious position in relation to the vehicle traffic because making a 90 degree turn to the left when the road is veering right would make the cyclist appear to be going right into traffic.

But when will he, like Mega-Maid, go from suck to blow?

I guess there’s no need to put together my MKE32 bid packet now.

Thanks for that depressing thought. I’m in the same boat. And instead of 2 HS aged kids, I’ll have 2 kids (maybe?) in college.

Not exactly. The Pilots were hemorrhaging money and on the verge of bankruptcy when Selig bought them, not to mention that the Pilots owner had essentially given up spending any money on the team. If Selig didn’t buy them, either someone else would have, or the team would have no longer existed.

The only positive things I can say is that he brought baseball back to Milwaukee in 1970. The nonsense with the stadium financing, making the All-Star game in his home town a laughing stock, and turning a blind eye to PED when it benefitted the game then hammering those same players, are just many of the reasons I

Having worked for a company for several years where I had to travel via plane 2-3 days a week (the biggest plane in the company’s fleet was a 19-seat twin prop), I love bumpy flights as well. Most flights left around 6 am and were about an hour long. After 2-3 flights initially, I just learned to sleep through it.

You realize the Hyundai was not the first car at the intersection and failed to look in both directions, right? Had he slowed down to make sure no cars were coming in the opposite direction, on a long standing green light, HE would have been the hazard.