
Except looking at the entire video, it looks like the red Hyundai had a green light for quite a while (you can see traffic traveling that direction at the very start of the video) and the white van was in the left turn lane and started to go when it got green. If you look closely, you can see the Hyundai pass those in

Except if you’re the person that takes one clean dish out (which shuts the “Clean” or “Done” light off”) and leaves the rest. Put none or all away - it’s not that difficult. And seriously, it takes me less than 5 minutes to put a full load of dishes away. GTFO if you say “people have other things to do”

Must suck to live in one of those states. No such problem in WI

Must suck to live in one of those states. No such problem in WI

As a matter of fact, there is! $.50 frosty’s all month baby!

While Waukesha and EC are about the same size, they are completely different. I lived in EC for 4 years and have lived in Waukesha for almost 9. Where the Slenderman case happened is far from rural - they built a Meijer essentially on the same plot of land where it occurred.

Not to pick nits (yes, I’m picking nits), but the Slenderman case (not a killing - the girl lived) was not in rural WI.

Those pictures are not of the same vehicle.

Having run 3 myself (the most recent was 12 years ago), I second the “Don’t.” They suck.

Were you calling from a walkie-talkie?

What is the best TV theme show song from shows you actually watched?

It’s Fair season - what’s your favorite deep-fried or fair food?

But I’m down with OPP. Yeah, you know me.

It was only Brown County that had that added tax, but I see your point.

Maybe the base infrastructure of the stadium is ancient, but was essentially completely remodeled for the 2003 season because they used a referendum (at least?) for a 1/2 cent tax (I voted against it). It’s been upgraded an renovated several times since then. Convenient that you forgot that.

Except the Q7 has 3rd row seating; VW & Porsche do not. That, alone, will likely keep it selling in NA - at least the U.S. - for quite some time. I know that vehicle is on our short list to replace our Acadia in the next year or so because we want a 3rd row and my wife refuses to ever own a minivan.

I think - hope - you meant that post for Jack Levin.

How, exactly would they be in more salary cap hell? Sure, they would have had to count the $3.2 million unpaid bonus against the cap, but would have gotten something in return. Instead, they got $320K back (although it also sounds like Megatron gave back $1M). So, the Lions still had to eat either $2.2M or $2.88M in

Truth. Had it happen to a friend when we were driving back to Green Bay from Appleton several years ago. In a 65 (before WI made 41 an interstate & 70mph), the Blooper was driving 54 in the left lane. No other traffic was around, buddy goes past in the right at 66 mph. Lights came on.

Since when does MN distribute or sell New Glarus products? Unless something has changed since I read the article at the end of June about the end of the alcohol Blue Law in MN, you still have to drive to WI to buy NG beers.