
You are correct, that’s how we roll in WI. 

Oh, fescue!

You’re basically saying that you want to know the temperature outside so you check your phone instead sitting through all the bullshit on the Weather Channel.

Shouldn’t it have been “tug?” Or have I been doing it all wrong?

Ok? That deals with IOC and WADA, not USADA. Further, Clenbuterol isn’t an issue in the U.S. thanks to strict regulations by the FDA & USDA. Even further, no athlete under the purview of USADA has tested positive for clenbuterol from eating U.S.-derived meats.


the Cracker Barrel line of Kraft cheese is actually really good. And is real cheese. However, there are dozens of other local dairies that make better cheese at the same price point.

I get that us Wisconsinites should promote our good food & beer, but stop promoting swill like New Glarus. They might have been good 15 years ago when Spotted Cow really burst on the scene, but there are dozens of better breweries with better beer than NG. Get Lakefront, or Raised Grain, or Milwaukee Brewing, or City

I agree, primarily because Italian is infinitely more versatile. I use it in pasta dishes, pizza, etc. Polish is really best when served cut-up to dunk in mustard, or on a bun w/ kraut & condiments. And I say that as someone who makes his own Polish sausage several times a year.

My wife, and her entire Polish family, will eat Italian sausage w/ kraut. And Hungarian, and pretty much every sausage I’ve bought from our local butcher.

That has always been my “complaint” - why blue & red when the national colors of Poland are red and white? The only thing I can think of is maybe to not confuse us Milwaukeeans/Wisconsinites with the UW Badgers, but I admit that’s a stretch.

C’mon. You know the southsiders in Cudahy don’t splurge for Beast. They’re getting Keystone Light. It comes in blaze orange cans in fall. For hunting!

Except the “reactive” nature is common in many aspects of our lives. Hell, my former employer instituted a criminal background check policy after two employees were found to have engaged in criminal acts in the workplace. However, had the background checks been in place for those 2 employees, they would have been

Huh. In Wisconsin, the license plate stays with the driver, or it’s forfeited when you buy a new one. I’d be fucking pissed if I had to give up my license plate - a low numbered University of Wisconsin with the “W” instead of the Bucky Badger (they no longer make the “W” plate). But, it is now on its 3rd car.

From my understanding, the result of the conviction is completely erased. However, it appears that the plaintiffs could still use witnesses and evidence used in the criminal trial to obtain a civil judgment.

Yes. I should have clarified.

You’re correct. I should have clarified

In all practicality, the effect is likely the same. Which seems like a huge damn loophole, especially for someone with as much money (?) as Hernandez had.

It does not protect his estate from any civil action, it simply prevents anything from the criminal trial from being used in the civil action. Huge difference, that.

That’s why I love Wisconsin. We just say we’re going to the time (“Tyme”) machine. No reduncancy necessary.