But they are dampers
But they are dampers
Or Suburban - used to be both Chevy & GMC models. Or the Dodge/Chrysler/Plymouth Neon.
Ugh. The on-ramp I use to get on to I-94 each day is, according to Google Maps, over 3000 (yes, thousand) feet long, 45 mph zone (but most people are driving 55-60 as it’s a 8-lane divided highway at that point) merging onto a 70 mph zone. When the ramp isn’t metered, probably 75% of the time people are not up to…
Blocking people from zipper merging is up there too. But, that’s more people being inconsiderate a-holes than bad drivers, per se.
As a corollary to this, people who stop at the stop bar in a turn lane waiting for traffic to clear to turn instead of nosing out into the intersection (where the turn lane is effectively a yield when not green or red).
I disagree re: over the speed limit in snow/rain. For me, speed in those conditions are situation-dependent. I live off a 4- to 6-lane divided highway. Speed Limit is 45. In good conditions, 55 is too slow (most people travel that stretch at around 60). In rain/snow, over 45 is easily and widely done unless it is a…
Around these parts, we call those “Farmer turns.”But, nonetheless, is definitely a sign of someone who is a bad driver.
There really isn’t though. Look at the language in Title IX and explain to me where it defines the word “benefit.” It doesn’t, which means that term is up for legal interpretation. Just because the law doesn’t specifically say “pay” doesn’t mean it can’t be interpreted to mean just that.
That’s a different argument though, and gets more at the structure of NCAA institutions. You’re correct that Title IX doesn’t require that. But, I’m of the belief that if an NCAA school decides to pay athletes of one sport, for example football, then they would likely face Title IX suits if the other athletes aren’t…
What are you talking about? I wasn’t responding to you - I agree with your points. My response was to dick cream.
Please see the U.S. Constitution for the direct opposite of what you think should be. The way you think is simply not how the law works. At all.
In general, yes. However, I’m not even arguing the pay between sports has to be equal. I’m simply saying that once you pay one athlete, no matter the amount, you’ll have to pay the others. The amount of pay argument comes after that.
So, you’re asserting that if a law doesn’t explicitly state something, it cannot be interpreted to mean anything other that what is written? You clearly don’t understand how the law in the U.S. works. Pretty much the entire Constitution has been interpreted to include things that are not explicitly mentioned because…
The law clearly states that an individual CANNOT “be denied the benefits of” an educational institution receiving federal assistance on the “basis of sex.” If one sports athletes are getting paid - e.g. a “benefit” - then Title IX would likely be interpreted to require that ALL get paid. While you may disagree with…
Never heard of half acre, but be my guest! The only New Glarus worth anything is their Staghorn Oktoberfest. Everything else they make is meh at best.
Just leave your bud light at the border and you’re free you jump on!
I wouldn’t feel bad - after Ray was traded in 2002, the best talent before Giannis was who, Bogut? Redd? Damn, that’s depressing.
I’m of the similar mindset, although I was somewhat of a fan in the late 90s-early 00s with Ray & Big Dog. But after Karl traded Ray, I pretty much tuned the Bucks out until this year. I’ve actually been to more games this year than I had in total before.
He might have to Sif through things first, then get back to you.