
Bullshit. I used to watch Dr. Disrespect and he says misogynistic and other questionable shit all the time. I get that he is supposed to be a character, but don’t try to tell me he is trying to make some kind of comment on the type of person he is playing. There is enough info out there to make an informed decision on

Yes! This was the first thing that jumped out at me. Can't take a writer seriously if they don't know such basic things.

How does a writer not know this???

hoi polloi” refers to regular folk like you and me, not the ultra rich.

hoi polloi doesn’t mean “the rich”, it means “the people”, as in rabble, the common man, etc.

Italian Beef Recipe

slut shaming is something done to actual women, not oversexualized female characters made by and for men. criticizing quiet’s design is criticizing the men who made her, not quiet herself

This is just a random list, yes?

It’s not a bad list but the order is atrocious.

Right? I mean, from the article title I was thinking “oh, they’re biting into the middle of the burrito, from the side, like corn on the cob or something”, thereby making a big ole mess, and hence the “disgusting” adjective.

What the fuck.

The OP complained that we haven’t gotten a new F-Zero in years, but keep getting Mario Karts (and Mario Parties). If they hadn’t mentioned Mario Kart at all, I would’ve replied differently; but they did, and while I don’t like that Nintendo is so conservative when it comes to new installments of beloved franchises (I

🙄 Of course. It’s not Nintendo that has the zero-sum attitude where there can only be one Nintendo racing game - you know, the actual company responsible for developing and publishing Nintendo racing games. It must be me.

Star Fox just had a game not too long ago. It wasn’t good and didn’t sell.

F-Zero sold well. Mario Kart sells astronomically. I want another F-Zero too, but the math is on the board.

Why, Sally! That’s almost...*churlish*!”

There’s only one Reed Richards I’ll accept

From the get-go it was basically an expansion - a bigger content drop. It wasn’t drawing a clear enough line differentiating itself from OW1 (especially with the planned cross-play between the two) in the way that most sequels do. It felt more like oldschool expansion packs a la WC3 Frozen Throne or SC Brood Wars - a

Grooming children and violent assault is ‘curious’? I wonder what word you would have chosen if Ezra wasn’t non-binary?