That was proven to be a hoax
That was proven to be a hoax
“I was talking to a car company executive. Big guy. Tough guy. And he came to me. Tears in his eyes. Crying like a baby. Sir, he said. Sir please take away the electric. We’re trying to do gas. We like the gas. Gas is good. So the battery. Wind! And the military. Oh. The planes are gas. No electric for the planes. Can…
“If Electric is so good, how come people have such trouble with Battery? AA, AAA, C, bing bong bing, if Battery good, how come you have have to charge them, charge them, they charge too much for a battery. I went, I went to the store for Battery, and when I saw Price, I said, I said, I said ‘Price too much!’ Battery…
Time for someone to leave their pickup in their driveway and take the HOA to court. It’s that simple. The HOA does not supersede the state, much as they might want to.
Meth and heatstroke, nearest I can tell.
“Basically, the HOA is saying that the state law lacks the language that would enforce them to not enact the pickup rule against the residents and until the law contains that language, there isn’t much that residents of The Meadows can do.”
House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary is a Donald-nazi committee since they’re in the majority at the House. Oh look! The chair of that “fact finding” group is tadah! Jim Jordan, one of the all-time worst Donald-nazis lurking in the House:
This stuff is just red meat for the base. The right absolutely loves boycotts and retaliation against “woke corporations” like Disney or AB, but when one of their own darlings is the target, they scream bloody murder.
It doesn’t do that for you because you are you and not white rich Elon Musk. You realize that the current SCOTUS is completely hypocritical and they will find any rationale, bad science, incorrect facts, to justify the outcome they want. So it’s fine for Elon, not fine for the commoners.
Ask Byron Allen how well that went for him.
Maybe this is a generational divide, but I assumed “written it down immediately” meant the Notes app on his phone. Because no, people don’t usually bring a pen and paper into a Portapotty these days.
Taylor Swift sold ~$1 BILLION in concert tickets last year. On average, her time was worth $114k per HOUR.
Those people are some of the most ineffective folks I’ve ever seen. Between the ones that threw paint on the artwork at the Louvre, and “Jennifer” and “Cole” (almost a ‘Kyle’...missed it by that much!) deciding to deface property “to highlight the need for an “emergency treaty to end fossil fuels by 2030.”, I have a…
UK environmental group Just Stop Oil
there are necessities of the touring business model, then there is private gluttony of flying off to a dinner date. all of which is heavily subsidized by middle and low income taxes - and environment - who rarely have a chance to visit the tarmac.
Something I just realized after finishing this episode: Jimmy is always at his most vengeful when people attempt to hold themselves accountable. Note how his true rage at Howard started when Howard confessed that he felt responsible for Chuck’s death. When Kim comes in to sign the divorce settlement, his performance…