>> it was a trial of two people where it was entirely “me and my friends/employees/family say the other person did it” so frankly none of the witness testimony was brilliant.
>> it was a trial of two people where it was entirely “me and my friends/employees/family say the other person did it” so frankly none of the witness testimony was brilliant.
Here’s the problem:
The one who vilified Amber Heard is Amber Heard.
I don’t know about you, but I watched the trial; her facial expression, tone, diction, choice of words. The evasive behavior really stood out. She came off as a liar, again and again. Not just me, but across the board save for one or two writers at…
Irregardless of what “team” won, there was clear incel brigading against Heard, and the Social Media revenue farmed out of giving these people bias confirming content is disgusting.
Man is this an exhausting topic. So before anything else, of course this is a conservative attack issue. There are about 9 or so transathletes at the moment active in US collegiate sports and I don’t think there are that many more on a high level internationally. This is a remarkably closed loop issue that only…
If your bar for danger is dissenting opinions then no place is safe so long as it's occupied by anyone who thinks.
I actually already addressed a big chunk of that in a different comment to you.
It’s not transphobic to question the fairness of trans women competing against biological women. That’s called critical thinking or debate. It’s not inherently transphobic to have questions about something. Saying that is just a method to shut down meaningful debate.
So your proof that the studies author is a “TERF” is the fact that someone called them a TERF because they were researching the issue in question. That’s some great proof you have there.
I just gave you the citation. How thick are you?
All you have to do is read, it’s been there the whole time:
They posted a citation, which is just as good so long as you’re capable of using google.
These are the same people arguing that you can be healthy at any size.
Really that’s all you’ve got? Someone already posted a related citation, you can go find the rest yourself.
But Michael Phelps has oddly long arms or something!
I mean, all you have to do is scroll down a little further to see a sourced post someone else put up in reference to a study that you think doesn’t exist.
Pretty much all current scientific research shows that trans females maintain a biological advantage for several years post op, even with reduced testosterone levels if they had gone through puberty as a male.
There have been and continue to be emerging scientific studies that show that even well past post-op, trans women retain 95% of their strength even 1 year after starting testosterone suppressive therapy.
It seems disingenuous to say that this is simply an attack on trans athletes and that it’s not about protecting fair competition for female athletes when there is no one pushing for banning trans men from competition. If it were just about oppressing trans people there would be blanket bans, not only bans based on…
It is a tough situation. I want everyone to be able to pursue their goals, but I agree with the ruling. Transgender women who go through male puberty before transitioning have a natural advantage that is proven by science. It isn’t fairly to biological women to have to compete with them. Maybe we need new categories…
Why are there separate women’s divisions in sports in the first place?