Not to be the killjoy here, but basically it running via a PC and being streamed to the teeny tiny little screen is not running Doom, IMO. It has to actually run Doom to count.
Not to be the killjoy here, but basically it running via a PC and being streamed to the teeny tiny little screen is not running Doom, IMO. It has to actually run Doom to count.
Except that these first two weeks are when Blizzard’s marketing push is at its largest, it’s getting the most impact from its word of mouth, it’s the hot new thing getting reviews and attention from all corners...
To be fair, it’s easier to not care about delays when you are an indie studio that created a bestseller.
As many have already said, the main issue is that no one has been able to quite nail down the keen grasp of momentum and flow of motion that’s key to Sonic and apply it to a 3D world, especially when there is a sense that a 3D world should be explorable and have things to find worth exploring for. But I think there is…
The issue is that totally ordinary people that make mistakes (you know, humans) tend to lose sympathy for people when none is extended to them. We each deserve grace... until we don’t (of course).
Sounds like an honest mistake. A stupid, stupid, extremely unlucky and stupid mistake.
Seriously, selling a million copies hasn’t been a badge of honor since the late 90's.
Sega really needs to stop trying to make 3d movement Sonic work. Why couldn’t they have done this as a sidescroller? All of this could have worked in that setting, and you wouldn’t have to submit the people that love Sonic to the torture of having to navigate him in a 3d space.
It was objectively underbaked. My buddy and I bought it because nostalgia and some decent word of mouth. It was like the devs ran out of money or something, so much of the game seemed to either be missing or slapped together in a way that no one could have thought was reasonable for a game in this day and age. Playing…
RankCountryCO₂ (million tons)
This is the wrongest take I’ve ever seen on this site, goodness.
Elena and Laura can CERTAINLY be referred to as Black. The term African American has been passé for some time, outside of corporate circles. One can be from Kenya and be Black. One can be from Brazil and be Black. Blackness transcends one’s nationality, and just as Black Americans have a connection to slavery, so too…
I have to interject my opinion here. Black does not mean African American. It encompasses all of the diaspora. Black American would be more fitting, but limiting Black to one segment is a bad look. Signed, a Black person from Belgium.
GTF outta here with that! “It’s different” my ass. If you meant black, say “black”. If you meant African-American, say “African-American”. Words are important, right?
Good thing you wrote that specifically and not just “first playable black woman” to confuse everyone.
Although I think I get your point, I feel just using Black as a synonym for African-American is a very American centric viewpoint and perhaps undersells other black cultures
“Kimberly, who was prominently teased at the end of yesterday’s Street Fighter 6 presentation, will be the series’ first playable Black woman”
Here’s what I remember hearing people saying:
“But she’s got a new hat!” cries one eager shopper