
Maybe so, but in the meantime, the boss itself blows with very little room for skillful improvement.

The fight itself was absolutely god awful. He moves way too fast, attacks way too fast, and can easily one or two shot even maximum health characters from screens away. It takes positively forever for the summons to whittle him down, and the aggro is seemingly completely random.

And yes, I know about the rotten breath

Between the RTWP, the tilt shift photography camera angles/DOF, and the somewhat concept art/painterly aesthetic, I have no idea what you’re talking about that this looks like FE at all besides “has people; is vaguely medieval”.

As someone working in TMT (tech/media/telecom) M&A this is exactly why I still have any video game message board accounts.

It makes it more difficult...to own a small portion, in some industries, if you don’t meet the exceptions. It makes a merger no different at all, since any merger would be over 10% in the first place, so there’re on the same timeline they would have been on anyway. It was not an anti-merger law; it’s an “anti

1. Any acquisition would be more than 10% anyway, as control transfers at over 50%; that it’s now 1% is kinda besides the point.

This is actually not true; Japanese law has made it increasingly easy for foreign companies to purchase Japanese entities, a small reporting timeline change in 2020 nonwithstanding.

It does not; however, treasury shares do not confer voting rights, and Nintendo only has ~$2B in treasury anyway. 

The majority (61.1% of the total) of Nintendo shares are held by institutions, with the vast majority (45.7% of the total) of those institutions being traditional investment managers like Blackrock, and a further 7.8% of the total held by investment banks.

It’s a whole lot better to use revenue multiples which, while, imperfect, are things we actually know, as opposed to EBITDA multiples, which we do not know, and it’s bizarre to me to say that yes, well, since we don’t know EBITDA, rev has absolutely no place whatsoever. It’s the most basic multiple, included on every

Ah, right, I should have relied upon the EBITDA multiples which we definitely know, and *not* compared them to the broader market of comps based on what we don’t know utilizing a multiple which is simply *never* used for M&A or LBO modeling.

Sure, and if we *really* wanted to get into this, we could talk about the virtues of looking at leveraged FCF and various credit multiples, but we don’t know them for this company, do we? Or are we pretending that rev multiples have zero value as a basic multiple for comps. Like yeah, no kidding, rev multiples aren’t

Who said anything about EBITDA multiples?

I meant in terms of “how does this compare to the market”, which is to say, other companies are better valued based on revenue (more specifically, a >1x rev multiple), which could make for a hard sell for the turnaround. Buy low sell high sure; it’s the second part which

For a PE investment, which this is claimed to be, this is pretty bad. Probably limited expansionary potential, physical goods means likely worse margins, extremely low barrier to entry, likely high capex - all not great. Sure, it could produce consistent results, but that’s going to be for the debt, and lest we

This reminds me how stupid BR starts is for pro games. It so clearly outclasses so many other weapons (assault rifle, plasma pistol, disruptor, ravager) that it makes those weapons functionally useless, despite the fact that they don’t start out with them. Hmm, do I use a weapon I start out with, is massively

Battlefield is not a yearly series, and EA [in]famously gives studios a lot of leeway to define such aspects of their series (Anthem and Titanfall 2's release come to mind) so what does this have to do with anything?

They don’t deserve such toxicity, but the game being in the state it’s in is on Dice, not “the

Oh, my favorite Mario game? I was always partial to Super Mario All-Stars. Really can’t be beat.

How is it that you can join a team with openings and then no other players can come and fill other openings?

Yes, games whose settings feature a)large battlefields and b)camo/spotting as gameplay mechanics tend not to highlight enemies in bright red from far away.

Better than the second game. The titan customization and map quality both fell off a deep cliff in the sequel. I don’t care that I can become an adherent to the cult of grapple mobility; I care that the spaces I do it in and the layers they weave in blow.