
Reminds me of this truck I parked next to.

I had a dumbass friend who put a chain hook to a tow strap and that resulted in a busted rear window and windshield on one truck and a caved in tailgate on the other.

Trucks aren’t people.

Chances are it’s a super rare occurrence and people are blowing it way out of proportion because a.) it’s ridiculous and b.) it’s the Internet.

I mean, are you honestly defending the bro truck in this situation? How pissed would you be if the only gas pump you could use was being blocked on purpose seemingly by someone with nothing better to do?

Luckily the Chads that own these trucks are more likely to shoot their own balls off than actually hit someone else.

Avoid the damage and just remove the valve cores.  Then park your Tesla to block the air pump.

There’s definitely a contingent of people out there ready to blow someone away for the smallest possible (perceived) infraction. Like a lot of police officers, for example.

The beauty of cutting valve stems is that the dollar value of the property damage remains in the lower misdemeanor ranges. 

“Plus, if he continues to tow trucks via a hitch ball he could always just yank it hard and shoot a high speed mega deadly metal projectile at them as defense.”

There are areas in which the truck parked in there will result in gunfire, I’m surprized it has not happened yet.

Don’t start nothin, and their won’t be nothin (and the bro trucks definitely started this). I live in a redneck state (TN), and these bro truck drivers are the bullies from highschool that never changed. Typically they are all show and no go and would crap their pants if anyone ever actually stood up to them. Also, I

Tesla owners pretending to be holier-than-thou while still purchasing them for the sake of pretension are posturing in a very similar way...

We’re talking about Tesla buyers and bro truck owners.  

Towing the trucks out of the way does seem to be too aggressive...so go passive-aggressive and just cut their valve stems off; then they get to arrange for the towing in a nice and safe manner on their own.

Many times, as well as living in LA, TN, SC, and NC, and never met anyone who would shoot someone in the situation described above.

That’s why I didn’t stereotype something like Florida. Maybe Michigan?

A well employed eye roll goes a long way to mentally disarming grown man-babies. Source: I am a commercial truck driver and as such am surrounded by these doofuses, haven't been shot over backing a guys hooked set out of the way of my door yet.

Lived in the South with good ol’ boys my whole life and never met anyone that would shoot someone over this scenario.

You would have to have two parties stupid enough to push it to the point of gunfire.