
Yeah, I was wondering what they did with his body too!  But that might be because I’m white...

One thing I did like about this movie was how Sandra Bullock prepped the kids for their journey. She laid it all out there. “You do what I say or you will die!” “If something happens to me you save yourself! Do you hear me? SAVE YOURSELF!” Post-apocalyptic horror seems to always err on the side of trying to spare the

That drove me straight crazy. They were submerged for like 20 minutes. Then they open the box and the birds are just dry and chirping. I actually yelled “Are you fucking kidding me?!” at the TV.

Speaking of plot holes,when Sandra and the kids went through the rapids and the boat overturned,how the hell did the three birds...in the BOX WITH THE HOLES, survive being underwater for so long?

This article is racially charged and stupid. So much hate filled propaganda and reading racism into everything.

Fr😂 stay off the crack my dude I think you’re reading too far into this one. Ever think maybe it’s just a movie and you’re the one creating the racist agenda😂

Why is it always about racism??? That movie does NOT demonstrate racism. You clearly have a problem with white people. I don’t care if you’re black, white, purple or orange, it’s racism against any race you dumb fuck. You single out white people, call them names, put them down throughout your whole colum, and then call

Wow! You have some serious issues that a little therapy would work out, if you let it.  Good luck with that narrow mind. 

This website just tries to stir sh1t and clickbait.

I am offended by that insinuation!

Were you high when you watched it? Because this column feels like the result of having watched it high.

Did this movie really need not one but two black guys to sacrifice themselves for the white folks? I also guess black women don’t make it through the apocalypse

Jesse James is a Nazi? Please explain. Simply being white and enjoying firearms does not make you a racist if those were your examples.

Granny shifters gonna granny shift.

I think he lost it in the granny shift. He should’ve double-clutched.


Typically this comparison is done as weight/HP.... Just curious why you went the other way?

Demon does have some technical wizardry that helps it launch better, though. Can’t overcome a driver delay, of course. Hopefully they switch platforms to the Alfa one eventually to get that curb weight down.


sometimes there is more to victory than what is on a spec sheet.