
I know Lucy was goofy. I know it was stupid. I know it was clicked. I know it was scientifically inaccurate insomuch that the notion that we only use 10% of our brain. But I LOVE this movie and I would welcome a sequel!

I wish Tucker Carlson would hurry up and have what ever shitty behavior he has been up to exposed so he can go away. Sean Hannity needs to go away too. They don’t even pretend to be decent human beings anymore.

The NRA can never claim the moral high ground. No gun owner who owns more than one gun can claim it’s only a tool. No politician who has taken even a thin dine from pro gun lobbyists can truly say they have the victims of these mass shootings in their hearts and prayers. The “But Chicago”argument rings dastardly and

Harry D’Amour!

I haven’t read it. I didn’t know it existed. But I will check it out. I keep hoping Clive Barker will write another “Art” book. Like The Great and Secret Show and Everville.

I wish Pinhead and the Cenobites were real. I wish they turned Alex Jones into hamburger as slow as possible


Isn’t that the point of a punk band name?

Well yeah.

I don’t watch Rick & Morty so I don’t understand why a bunch of spastic Aspies are so upset about women writers for the show.

My prayers go out to him and for his speedy recovery.

It’s visceral

I think in a lot of ways Three Futures is heavier than the new Chelsea Wolfe record.

This record is the capstone in a truly epic month of stellar releases.

TORRES-Three Futures.

A B+? Did you have to hold your nose?

Oh. Ok. I’m just really jaded after all.

We never got resolution with the Mexican dance off.

The Great Northern.

Ok. I finally saw it and I still don’t know what you mean by “that scene”. Maybe I’m just too jaded to be shocked. More likely I’m just that dull-headed.