
Mmmm. You can really taste the Skoal spit marinade!!!

Don’t forget badass True Detective Vince Vaughn. Don’t ever forget Season 2 True Detective badass Vince Vaughn.

Did you have to watch A Thief in the Night?

I’ll repeat myself...

In other news Clueless has been rebooted.

Now imagine being 9 years old living in Kansas City when this aired. Now also be 9 years old who was really into Nostradamus at that time.

Well the end of Littlfinger was satisfying.

I doubt she did it on purpose but if she did here are two things: Kanye started it. Kanye just found out how far reaching white privilege can get.

Of course he was called a fluffer. I mean his job was to suck Trump’s dick so Trump could fuck America on camera.

I’ve been trying to decide if the Roadhouse performances are mirroring the plot of Twin Peaks.

I can think of a few:

I just mean I feel old for remembering that

What world are we living in when we look back at Disqus with fondness?

Oh please. I remember him hacking limbs off in Excalibur

That light bulb has been shining longer than Gendry was rowing.

It got the IMAX treatment for a reason. I want a 4k TV just for this scene.

I love love love Amy Acker. I wish she had the star power to move past TV. She was so great in Much Ado About Nothing.

Green Inferno was the most mean spirited movie I ever had the absolute displeasure to observe. I can’t even say I watched it, that would imply I was engaged. I had to distance myself from Green Inferno just to endure it.

I got a Mad Men vibe from this as well.