
Reviewing a Twilight Zone episode and saying "you have to suspend disbelief" is like reviewing a cheeseburger and saying "you can't be a vegetarian".

But it's the Matrix, so the people they are blasting away at are just lines of code…

It's possible to be 100% pure liberal and think for yourself. It's possible to have your own ideas but have those idea happen to all fall on one side of the spectrum. However, many people will just blindly agree with their side no matter what.

Maher is very far from a neo con. He thinks Islam (and all other religions) has bad ideas, that's about as right wing as he gets. People are allowed to have differing opinions, they don't have to conform and agree with every single person on their side of the political spectrum.

I like that he picks a topic that isn't discussed much to highlight each week.

Almost every week. Do you watch the show? Because if you don't you'd have absolutely no way of knowing when he has done that. He just had Mike Huckabee on a couple weeks ago an conceded a few points to him. Recent episodes have features panels that had two conservative and one liberal and he's told people like Jack

At least he'll usually admit when he's been schooled or when someone he disagrees with makes a good point.

Maher hosts a great round table. And what qualifications do you need to take part besides a good TV presence? You think half the people on CNN Fox and MSNBC are any more qualified? They're just entertainers.

John Oliver would have done a good job too, but they both have their own shows that don't have the Stewart shadow hanging over them. The decisions been made, time to accept it and move on.

The tool of public outrage is becoming less powerful as it is directed at more and more people for smaller and smaller slights. When everyone starts getting attacked by the PC police, they are taken less seriously when they actually have a legitimate complaint.

I didn't realize third graders knew how to make disqus accounts.

On a roll!

And all of those people have said things that haven caused controversy. Oswalt doesn't care that people are not giggling, he cares that comedians are being attacked for telling jokes by people who don't understand the difference between a joke and a serious statement.

That's the exact position PC people take. I think, when it comes to comedy, everyone is fair game. It's absurd to say fat jokes about men are fine but ones about women are off limits.

He was absolutely joking. Some people just have zero sense of humor and can't tell there difference between a joke and a statement of actual beliefs.

You meant Tim I think, but good one haha

Probably. George Carlin would just be a headline on HuffPo trashing him for a joke the PC police did t approve of.

Or just not care about the PC police…

Yeah, these people pretend as if they've never said or done anything they regretted later.

Wait so Noah is in trouble for making fat jokes, Oswalt defends him which upsets you…so you respond with fat jokes? Hypocrite much?