
Where Oswalts post was made and directed towards…

No that's not it all, it's about saying stop telling him how to feel or speak. It's finny, PC people will shout out people for weeks about how to speak, act, think, and right…and then as soon as someone says "No!" That person is just a privileged person trying to force everyone to think like them. Ooooooook.

Before making comments, people like you should write a disclaimer explaining that you have no sense of humor. I shouldn't have to explain this, but jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously.

What jokes did Noah make specifically that were racist or making fun of class?

So only men should be made fun of? How is that equal opportunity? And do you realize that you are playing right into his joke?

He's saying that people get offended way too easily these days to the point that a joke about butter could conceivably cause outrage. I don't think you understand satire. It's not doing something EXACTLY like the thing you are making fun of, it's being outrageous and over the top.

They didn't go out of the way to target anybody. They were jokes, not attacks.

Really? Do you count differently than the rest of us? Or do you just not understand his joke and the comments people are making?

It's not a temper tantrum at all, it's a long joke, and it's intentionally hilarious.

I love Louis CK but he uses racial and fat jokes in his stand up and even uses the N word! Does that mean we now have to ostracize him? Or is it only if he posted it on Twitter before he became famous?

Oblivious to what?

So you mean he's a comedian?

Brilliant! Down with PC!!!

It was! I'm just saying it was clearly Jewish humor

You mean besides the entire "Oy what a night" song? Still, I didn't find it offensive, the show's writer is a fellow Jew and it was all in good fun.

I'd say that Elf was more than fairly well liked. In fact, I'd say it's beloved.

Your so lame. I liked cassette tapes before they were cool. Then they went mainstream and everyone just ruined them.

VInyl I get because it has a warmer tone and you can get something out of a record play that you can't out of your computer. But cassettes just suck so who would still own a cassette player?

Apparently the book is just a book version of the TV show. I mean, come on.

Is it called the Supernatural Dresden X-Files: Sleepy Hollow?