This is great. I recommend using codenames for the different lists, in case Facebook screws up and tells people what list they're in someday. I'm afraid I don't trust their quality control.
This is great. I recommend using codenames for the different lists, in case Facebook screws up and tells people what list they're in someday. I'm afraid I don't trust their quality control.
I used to use Prodigy when I was 15 or something. Loved it. I also worked for HBO at the time of the AOL/Time Warner merger. We all had to use AOL mail for six miserable months until we practically went on strike over it. What an absolutely jackass idea that merger was.
What vindictive comments, gentlemen! Let this person enjoy their new gift for one damn day!
Make that moustache a little thicker and you'd make a great Sam Elliot.
I believe application of the nose to the screen voids the warranty.
@ps61318: Oh that was good. If I had the power to give you a star I w- oh.
Kids, ignore the photo - if you're using any of these tools, you should really be wearing shoes.
@FriarNurgle: Speaking of edits, it's "its".
@Vogie: Just want to make it clear for the record, in case it's not obvious, that I wasn't saying anything remotely like that.
@Canoehead: It's actually twofold - it's to protect people from the government and to establish interpersonal laws like property rights and respecting each others' safety.
@Vogie: I confess I don't see the logic there.
@Vogie: Correct-a-mundo - the right to bear arms is a liberty I'm willing to concede, just as I concede the liberty to rape or torture people.
@Calrekabooki: Yes, and I regret that it was granted in the constitution. I feel that in practice the right to bear arms effectively nullifies the liberties of those in the vicinity of the gun bearer.
More and more our federal government seems like a massive waste of money that only makes things worse.
@squirrelonfire: you get a pro-rated refund.
@mipakr: Google Goggles says it's an IF Mode Folding Bike.
@mipakr: an IF Mode Folding Bike.
I thought this was a useful article. It contained no information whatsoever, but it made me think about what I really want to do for the next couple years.
The only thing that has ever gotten me out of bed more easily is being happier in life in general and having more stuff going on. Having something to look forward to, like some big change or a creative project I'm working on, and increasing my average level of social contact and fun. Also, taking care of things I…
BREAKING: it will be called iPadToo, Electric Boogaloo.