
A few other solutions:

This was a great article and I learned something about how markets work that I would not have thought to seek out on a financial site. Thanks for broadening my horizons a bit. I don't know why people are so offended when Gizmodo strays half a meter from writing about cell phones.

That was a beautiful and informative article, thanks.

After this review, I kind of hope Samsung announces a phone with a 6.3" screen and two styluses you have to use like chopsticks.

This was inspiring. It made me think about how often I'm on autopilot. A project like this, recording something about my day every day to be put together into a collage, would nudge me to do more with each day.

Not as offensive as spraying this shit in someone's face when they're not a physical threat to anyone.

I can't imagine a faster boner shrinker than going for second base and accidentally shooting myself.

One problem is that whenever they say their phone is powered by Symbian I think of the other product called Symbian and giggle. Perhaps they should acquire that company and apply their hardware genius to an entirely different industry.

Perhaps I have no life, but my phone notifies me of so little that it's a non-issue.

@numanair: To anyone developing anything for android: if you add something, please make it configurable. Or we'll resent you forever.

My Sprint Evo has a sort-of-not-really similar starting animation (not as pretty with the tron look, more like they're pretending it has honeycomb), and I HATE that it plays a short tune. There's no way to mute it in the settings.

@Giggity: For the record that line is not in the movie. It's in the movie "2010".

@robot-shmobot: Thank god for trolls. The ensuing pile-on is hilarious.

@UnderLoK: Don't make me send Tyler Durden to your house.

@rynHFR: You've inspired me to buy an IBM Model M (for my new Macbook Air - ha!). I grew up with the original IBM PC and I loved writing stories on that keyboard. CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK.

@blyan is not on fire: actually, effect is correct. Affect is technically correct, but changes the meaning a bit, indicating that you're affecting an existing change. "To effect change" means to bring it about.

Wow - some inspired writing there. And I learned the words "tony" (high-styled) and "thewy" (muscular, powerful).

I was at a party where a guy was demo'ing these. The sell is very clever. He has the person balance on one leg and hold out their other arm. He then slowly applies pressure to their outstretched arm, causing them to slowly tip over. Then he has them hold the bracelet in their other hand, does the same thing,

Perhaps this has been done already, but I see room for a business here. If magazines want to keep some content walled this way, let users subscribe to a central magazine network in which they can pick and choose articles from any participating magazine like GQ and Vogue. Maybe limit them to a certain number of

As a yuppie hipster-wannabe, I love this. But I'll never actually buy it.