
I'm going to create a similar Android app called FapBoard.

I still shoot film, and I've wondered whether getting a DSLR would serve as a camera and a film scaner in this way. Could someone post some pics of the scanned negatives? I'd like to know whether the quality is comparable to the place I mail mine to.

@zenneth: Muhuhahaha, the plan is working sir - the man has no idea why he wants to drink our soda.

I'd be very interested to see the scans it produces.

@microinjectionist: Wow - thanks for all that info. I am bookmarking this page just for this comment.

I think we're all just bored senseless.

Wow, great post. I've always enjoyed your writing, Joel. And I learned the word sybaritic.

For the photographer who has everything, and develops his own film.

If they put some metal inside the diamond, they could try speeding it up using a very large, circular magnetic rail, like a rail gun or a particle collider.

All iPhone antennas would suddenly stop working.

I'm slightly afraid to ask any questions after the furious comments about idiotic posters, but don't the girls have to go looking for his porn collection to find it? Are they just asking him to put it in a folder called 'porn' or something?

A lot of comments are asking what the value of working in a coffee shop are over an apartment with WiFi. I don't work in coffee shops, but the value for me would be having people around.

Rather than highlight the better one in green, just make the bars different shades of green, the brightest being the best. Or, give the background a gradient, with the brightest side the best side.

Early PC market dominance is the only reason Microsoft even exists today.

However you test it, you should ask Val Kilmer to be in the video.

@EM5: You can read a lot more about these concepts in Alan Cooper's "About Face", the now-classic book on user interface design.

The brilliant part is that they let you toggle between a document-centric and application-centric model. The theory used to be (and Apple was a big proponent of this, copying Xerox PARC), that everything should be document-centric, and applications should be more like small tools that launch and shut down as needed