
I want a bike that's as transparent an experience as possible while not being motorized. The strida is not that - I tried one, and you spend all your energy thinking about the bike. The best bikes for everyday use are the ones used in Holland and Germany - upright, no cross-bar, three gears maximum.

I built an 8-foot tall, 4-foot wide bookcase that fits in a little inset nook in my apartment. Definitely the coolest thing about the place.

Great products, inappropriate policing of use.

Don Johnson should create a rival machine.

I've never even seen a "this!" on the internet, but it sounds like something you'd say to your actor friend backstage when the show sucked. I have seen "fail", and I've always found it stupid and linguistically barbarous.

This is exactly why just before bed I make sure to take a crap in it.

Tufte argues not to use Powerpoint at all except as a digital slide projector, i.e. images and visual data. Little to no text on slides except captions. Instead, hand out reading material before your presentation, and give people 10 minutes to read before you start the presentation. He does that with his

For the 20% tip, just divide by 5. I don't square large numbers.

Or use a real man's camera with a waist-level finder.

I don't see what has replaced business cards in the electronic world.

Kickass! Thanks.

Waiting for a great Linux or android tablet with enough processing power to edit video. That will probably be a while. Till then, while I'd love one to play with, there are other things more worth that money right now.

@falcolas: Thanks, didn't know about rename.

When I send the misfire, I handle it by screaming "Noooooooooo!!!!!"

Apple's lockdown approach to the iPhone will be its downfall. Long live Android. #jailbreak

Doesn't Google Voice keep transcript of all your conversations? That was reason enough not to use it for me.

I'm switching from the iPhone to the G1 over iTunes. Goodbye Apple.

@Jakub Gonet: If I'm correctly interpreting your smug Apple fanboy tone of voice, allow me to kick you in the nuts. You only have it in Safari because someone at apple decided you could have it. Here, a Firefox user saw something missing in their browser, added it, and it was immediately available to the world.