
Also being that I’m a labor lawyer I happen to know a thing or two about this subject. From http://employment-law.freeadvice.com/employment-law… “The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that an employer give reasonable accommodation to an employee who can demonstrate that they are substantially limited in a

It’s all part of the 12-step program. Just as soon as you’re 12 steps out of the building, they fire your ass.

Look, it’s not Matt Stafford’s fault that Lynch was inactive. He did his best with what was there.

“In that sense, the Seahawks losing because of a rule nobody knew was a rule would’ve been an even more unsatisfying conclusion.”

Tell me something. How many of you even knew that was a rule before the guys at NFL Network and ESPN pointed it out? Even three former NFL players on the broadcast crew (Steve Young/Trent Dilfer/Ray Lewis) didn’t know that was a rule—-Young even wondered aloud “is that new?”

This wasn’t nearly as bad as Fail Mary, but

Honestly, this is the Lions’ fault for putting the game in the officials’ hands. This has been talked about ad nauseam for months, but when you only need to get one yard inside the red zone, you give the ball to Marshawn Lynch every fucking time.

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

“People are just upset and angry and throwing her under the bus.,” he said. “If we didn’t win, why do you deserve to get paid? If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

“If we didn’t win, why do you deserve to get paid? If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?

They didn’t want to humiliate him. They wanted him to “admit” to harboring a secret fantasy to play-act at being a terrorist, a fantasy they were ascribing to him as a Muslim.

Hey look, you can’t screw around with water. You know what else is a clear, colorless liquid? LSD. GHB. Phosphoric acid. Sulfuric acid. The list goes on. Obviously a kid possessing a bottle of the stuff might, at any time, pretend that it was a drug/dangerous substance and terrorise someone with it. Well, if they’re

Let’s be clear, they never thought the clock was a bomb. They didn’t call the bomb squad, and they didn’t evacuate the school. The teachers sat in a room with the “bomb” and its maker and waited for the cops because what they really wanted to do that day was humiliate a brown Muslim boy.

I heard you can drown in that stuff. Very dangerous.

Zero tolerance bullshit at its best.

Literally every time I hear someone say “well, they thought it was a bomb. Wouldn’t you do something to protect the students?”

“We do stand behind what the teacher did,” the school spokeswoman told ABC News. “Even though that particular item did not pose an immediately dangerous situation to the school, we cannot allow students named Ahmed to feel as if they are actually welcome anywhere in our community.”