
It takes real effort for the Skyline chili logo to be the third-worst sight in a photograph, but there ya go.

Truly fascinating. He keeps chiding others for their opinions on Ferguson because "they weren't there," and yet his single source for believing creationism over evolution is a thousands-year-old collection of historical fiction.

Crazy by accident? No, Shindean, it's clearly a case of unintelligent design.

Curt Shilling is now, as we speak, angrily arguing about Ferguson with anybody who will @ him. It's devolving in to personal attacks by him on anybody who disagrees. And yet he's not in time out?

Ya because the bible is so much more credible than Wikipedia

You'd think we could just count on offended creationists to ignore scientific Laws.

Keith Law has the science on his side, but you have to give a man of faith like Schilling credit—

Well, Keith, you gotta pick your battles.

No. The rules only apply to human beings.

If Adrian Peterson was suspended without pay for failing to show remorse, shouldn't Roger Goodell receive the same sentence for the same reason?

Ken Arthur's article makes all other Marshawn articles look like a fourth grade book report that your teacher gave you a B- on... Including yours!

hold on let me find that beating the dead horse gif

Embittered, broad swipes make for the best takes!

"I'm telling you honey, that guy's all water weight. Feel that. And that's after only 3 weeks of CrossFit."

that was the night before the game.