The only thing Washington and Texas share is total contempt for Oklahoma.
The only thing Washington and Texas share is total contempt for Oklahoma.
Obviously, the Ballmer's are a Red Vine family.
How do you say "frank and beans" in Spanish?
Why does Fat Snagglepuss not like black people?
Let's get something clear: Donald Sterling wasn't banned from the NBA as a punishment. He was banned because what he said, which was a completely clear representation of his true beliefs, was incompatible with owning an NBA franchise. Being an NBA owner is not a totalitarian rule, and when something happens where fans…
Child rape
"Baby Got Back." Sir Mix-a-lot did not give birth to Kurt Cobain, who won't be coming back from blowing his brains out with a shotgun.
I'm shocked to see that OKC has moved 41 players on the trade deadline day in only their brief not-quite-6-year existence....because to imply that this team somehow shares the history with a completely different team that existed in a completely different city up until that point is fucking evil.
Makes me wonder how long it would take for someone to build a LEGO Spaceballs One.
There's nothing anyone in sports media loves to do more is to take a sports story and make it all about themselves. This isn't about Marshawn Lynch and his team playing in the Super Bowl; sportswriters are oh so desperate to make it about THEIR suffering, at the hands of that (code word) that can't stand swinging at…
If Stern sticks around New York for the next few weeks, maybe he can convince Paul Allen to relocate the Seahawks to Little Rock.
Tom is still mad, bro.
Bill Leavy....the sourness he caused those many years ago makes watching the current version of the Seattle Seahawks just a little bit sweeter. Makes us that more hungrier.
As a Northerner, I say Texas can go ahead and secede....if they take Oklahoma with them. And Arkansas. And Louisiana (except New Orleans). And Tennessee. And Mississippi. And Alabama. ESPECIALLY ALABAMA. And throw in Georgia and both Carolinas, too.
The only feasible way for the NFL to expand into Europe is to expand by 4 teams, and create an NFC Europe division. Those teams would probably go to London, Paris, Berlin and Rome. I wonder what awful uniform ideas Nike would have for European football teams....
Now if only the Seattle Supersonics were to come back, the NBA would be whole once again.
The Sonics/Thunder led the league, re-upping six of their first-rounders.
Hey! If I were a dying child, I'd love to meet Chris Brown...assuming whatever I had was contagious.
All of my friends are huge football fans, but never played the sport as kids; I am unaware of any correlation between playing youth sports as it translates to rooting for pro teams when you grow up. Also, there is a difference between a city following minor-league teams and following pro teams. If cities like St.…
There was no soccer scene in Seattle a decade ago, and now the Sounders are getting more fans to their games than the Mariners. Seattle is a diverse enough city where there are about 10,000 rabid fans of almost every kind of sport, at least, and I'm confident there'll be a big enough groundswell to keep a NHL team…