
And Niner fans are awful, like West Coast Patriots fans without all the media attention and a sycophant like Simmons equating every Super Bowl win with the greatest achievements of Human civilization. But they're so very, very close. Every argument boils down to the 5 rings, and trust me that they completely dismiss

Don't be a dick and confuse us Sonics fans' desire to get our team back with the idea that we're perfectly okay with taking another city's team. We just now know how loyal a team is to their city: a strong lease and an owner not evil enough to move the franchise out of town. That's all that is keeping your favorite

If it gets reasonable gun control legislation passed, I have no problem allowing armed security to patrol schools; better yet, we should allocate more funds to local police all across the country, so we can permanently assign properly-trained police officers to guard all of our schools.

You know what? Keep up that smug attitude. Just let more and more innocent children die, and soon enough, enough people will be outraged with you gun nuts that we'll get the 2nd amendment REPEALED. Do you want that to happen, and remain on the same side as psychotic serial killers? Or compromise on reasonable gun

There's nothing in the 2nd amendment that prevents regulation and limits on guns (not to mention ammunition). Nobody is going to prevent you from owning a weapon, and I don't hear too many people complaining about not being able to own tanks or bazookas.

You should demand a refund!

How can you even THINK about talking about our value of sports on the very same night the Grizzlies and the Nuggets played against each other. TOO SOON!

"Do you see anyone worshipping a seahawk? You do not."

I think if you take a vote among all humans, you'd fine that most of us would rather fix the environmental predicament we're all in (whether it's man-made or not), rather than sit back and let Judgement Day come. Sure, on a philosophical level it would be interesting to contemplate how our continued existence stymies

This moon news is just like Newt Gingrich being President.....without Newt Gingrich actually being the President. Win-win!

Linda McMahon can't even get stunned right.

You are perfectly free to believe what you believe, even in regards to such a controversial debate as abortion, but as far as the US law is concerned, your faith is not any more valid than anyone else's, and I completely and utterly disagree with the notion that life begins at conception. So, in essence, whenever we

This is my map, too; I think Sandy somehow gives Virginia to Obama, and Florida goes to Romney because heaven forbid this election goes TOO smoothly.

I know the "man" for the job!

If I own the land and had the means and desire to build a vertical farm, there's only so much competing business can do to stop me. It's simple economic evolution, and the old companies, sooner or later, will either have to learn to adapt or perish. I also think, if the debate came to a head, that the public is

At one time or another, Woody Johnson thought Shonn Greene, replacement refs and Mitt Romney were good ideas. I think that sums up Woody Johnson pretty well.

All Sonics season tickets will be sold by cops impersonating flirtatious sixteen-year-old girls.


Do the Kings, Bobcats, Redskins, Marlins, Islands and Knicks still exist? Yeah, I thought so. Clay Bennett is the worst owner in sports, BY FAR.