Jake King

Regardless of whether his experience is incidental and circumstantial, doesn't change the fact that your response appears waaay more aggressive than is probably necessary. I'm no fan of HP by any stretch of the imagination (Their 810 chipset powered machines were some of the worst machines ever made by anyone), but

So, I am rather skeptical of the whole touchpad controller thing, as I loathe trackpads on laptops. However, everyone who I've read about trying it has said, though they too were skeptical, then ended up really really liking it. That it just.. worked. I'm willing to at least try one before I say no. Open minds and

The earlier stuff was 80' synth/dance/New Wave (Still good, but very different). At some point in the 90's, the band kinda split, and Kurt took the whole thing over. he released that Album (Don't be afraid) under the band's name, and it was very much darker than the original band's work. Kurt has since handed the

The original soundtrack was done by Kurt Harland, front man of Information Society. In fact, the intro music is actually from their (His?) album 'Don't Be Afraid' by the name of Ozar Midrashim. phenomenal album for it's time.

BakaPenguin is correct. We pay ridiculous rates for internet, and we are actually lagging behind in getting broadband to rural areas. I have several friends who, the fastest internet available to them, is 3Mbps down, and 512Kbps up. And this is the fastest they can get, and it's not stable at all. (Since it's

Gorgeous Cat sir! Reminds me of my ex-roomate's cat, Sweetie. (Yes, that was her name, and she actively lived up to it. Loved laps, and would teleport onto them whenever available). Finch looks just as intelligent and wide eyed.

Such a pretty little grey tortoiseshell!

That's mine, and that's mine, and that's mine, and this is mine.... In fact, everything here is mine. Except for that bit. I don't want that bit, they can have that bit.

I agree with most of this, except for the statement about Windows 2000. Windows 2000 was very popular, and many companies were reticent to move to XP it was so popular. Xp just eventually showed it's merits, plus the time different between XP/2003 and Vista was so large, that many companies ended up on the 2003

I use 8.1 on my main machine, and I won't say it unusable, but it's not 'clean' in terms of UI. It's a fair amount better than 8 was, but it's still not as good as it should be. The only reason I am capable of using it, is because I'm a sysadmin, and have a tendency to use the search function in Vista/7 to find my

That's pretty impressive. I have several games on floppies where a floppy or two have gone bad. I do have even more games where the disks work fine. It's something of a crapshoot. *shrugs*

Floppies are very volatile. You can still write to them fine, but for long term storage, I would never rely on them. Every digital medium has issues, of course, but Floppies (8", 5.25" and 3.5") are relatively easy to mess with. one errant EM wave of any sort, or a little bit of dust on the disk, and it all goes to

I bought a 50" Seiki 4K TV for $450, and it's been great!. The sound is awful on it, but hooked up to my receiver, who cares? It does nothing online at all, and that's great, because I just want it to be a screen, and nothing else.

Because, sometimes, those 'technologies' aren't actually going to hold up well enough. Floppy disk technology fell away in general use, because it's not terribly reliable as a long term storage. If you don't need much space, and the data isn't something re-written often, using a WORM style technology would be

This is now so hilarious, I -have- to see it..

Older japanese swords were folded hundreds of times, but the reason wasn't aesthetic, it was because the heating and re-folding actually helped remove impurities from the steel, thus making it a better, higher quality steel than what they started with. Japanese Swords were also commonly very strong along the cutting

I got 3/5, and I could definitely tell a difference, but I had trouble sometimes telling which one was supposed to be 'cleaner' (For instance, what was the source of Hotel California? Original recording tapes, CD, or Gold Master, or vinyl, because that can make the difference on if there is extraneous 'noise' in the

Fuck yo Zip Disk. Magento Optical bitches! Or get some MiniDisc up in here!

Not only was I taught in school to use the double space (I am 34), but let's not forget that Autocorrect on iOS devices will add the period after a sentence if you double space. Laziness is not an excuse. If anyone tried to screen me because I use a double space because of perceived age, it would be a discrimination